

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy 2.5 Birthday Bridger!


My sweet love, I am so so happy that you are mine. You are just so much fun! I love everything about you. Each day that passes as you grow older and older, I get to experience more and more amazing things with you. As each stage changes, I often think this is my FAVorite stage! So funny how that works. I love seeing your personality grow and shine bigger and bigger. I would never think of you as a scared person, but you are so scared of things. The dark, loud noises, big trucks, Santa clause, unfamiliar people, any unusual noise, and even toys. I know it must be your age, but it makes me laugh because you are such a tough little boy. Then again, your mommy and daddy were both fraidy cats while growing up.

Some of my favorite things you do now consist of numerous giant hugs - constant loving on this momma! You like to caress my face when I lay down at night while trying to keep me there with you longer. During bedtime routine you snuggle up so close and tight to me, I indulge in it for as long as it will last! Sometimes you ask for me to rub your back, or even to sing "Twinkle" as you call it. You repeat everything we say! In the correct ways. I really never realized how much I say something till I hear it from you. You are constantly asking us "What?!" but you pronounce it "Whath" I guess I saying "nothing"a lot as you say this now when I ask you what you are doing when I can't see you. Since the holidays are here you will see lights up and saw "Oh, dats so prettty mom" As this is what you told me the morning after I decorated our house and took you downstairs for the first time. You even gave me a kiss! You appreciate so much.

While shopping the other day there were tons of birds out, You said "ook, burds" Grandma said "yes, but we don't feed those birds (seagulls) b/c they will poop on your head!!" you listened and said "ohhhh". Next thing I know, the next bird you see you are telling us "No, it poop in my hair!" haha. You do not forget. You tell me that's things are "Cool" all the time. You finally started calling Remington "meme" instead of Cheyenne. It was hilarious that both of them were Cheye's for so long. 

Along with all your adorable sweetness that I could just eat up, you are also such a strong willed little stinker!  You have really been testing us lately. We say "Don't touch that" you look right at us and touch it and run. You spend lots of time in time out - you are so apologetic at first, but it only lasts a few minutes and you are back and doing everything you can to get our attention in a negative way.  You are definitely a BOY and are rough. It is so much fun with you! Even when you bust my lip and make me bleed! You pat me on the back and say "I sorrwie Momma, go to doctor" LOL! You are so funny! I can't be mad. You always keep us on our toes and sometimes wear us completely out! I wouldn't trade any of it! I love you more than life itself. You are simply perfect and amazing to me and my heart just explodes with love for you. You make my life so full and fun!

Thank you for being you. Thank you for coming into my life! I love love love you!

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