

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Naps are harder

I have a little boy that doesn't love his naps as much as he used too. It isn't that he isn't tired, he just takes forever to fall asleep. I am not sure what time he goes down during the day at daycare, one time I went to get him for a Dr Appt at 230-300ish and he was still down. I am guessing that he goes down late over there. When it comes to our weekends we are always off. Sometimes he will play in his room for an hour or two before he passes out. So - finding a time to put him down is a little bit harder. He is tired. Obviously he is tired, but he won't go down.

One particular day Ryan took him upstairs and laid him down. He was headed to go work on boats or something and came down to get things together. I had the monitor on and was listening to Bridger talk and read books. It had been at least 30 minutes or an hour....he still wasn't out. Ryan was getting ready to leave and opened the garage door, which is under Bridger's room. I heard him kept saying Daddy, and mumbling something, I had the monitor down low and when I looked at it, I didn't see him. Ryan came in and said "You have go to come see Bridger outside" I was like oh goodness, I grabbed my camera knowing it would probably be funny. I walked out and look up to his window which obviously it right above the garage, and I see 2 little eyes peeking out. HAHA he was watching his daddy load his truck the whole time. It was so funny. I took some pictures hoping they came out. Good thing I had my good zoom on.

He is so funny. I came back in and kept painting his trim I was working on and turned up the monitor. I heard Ryan back out of the driveway but more so I heard Bridger, "bye bye Daddy, bye" He said it a couple of times. I was laughing at my sweet sweet boy telling his daddy bye. I got up and looked at the monitor just in time to see him walk back to his bed......sit down and say "Mama?" "mama, where are you?" he is so smart! It took him another 30 mins to an hour after that to finally pass out. He is a smart little boy and loves looking out that window. I am working on finishing his room, little things left. One thing - is blinds. These are the cheap metals ones and of course he has them bent from pulling them out and looking out the window. It is on the list! What will he do then. He sure makes us laugh.

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