

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A girl? no.... a boy!

Bridger talks a lot about the girls lately. What girls? I don't know. He goes to school with girls. He lives by girls. But lately he is often concerned with "the girls". He tells me he is going to pay wif "the girls". He wants to know why "the girls" aren't outside singing at 3am. - (neighbors had a party one night). He asks about them all the time. I sure wish I knew who the girls were so I could answer him properly and be in on this conversation.

A few nights ago - he told me he was a girl. He also said his daddy was a girl. No buddy, I'm pretty sure you and daddy are both BOYS! "No mom, daddy girl "- and the way his says it is hilarious. No baby - daddy is clearly a boy. He continues, I gurl, - this goes on for awhile. We have had this conversation numerous times.

How in the world do I explain girls and boys to a 2.5 year old? I admit it is funny - but I definitely do not want my child confused or telling people he is a girl. I know he is learning but its so funny because he is adamant he is a girl. I've left it alone. I correct him each time but leave it at that. We will see how long this will continue on. He is so cute when he says it so excitingly. I think they are too young to know the difference between a girl and a boy... no?

He also was playing in his dresser drawers the other day. He opens a drawer, and I have a collection of underwear I've been saving for when he starts potty training. Adorable underwear. Ones with all the ocean creatures that he loves so much, sharks, fish, jellyfish, boats. He calls them panties. I died laughing. Those are underwear baby, no them are panties. And he says everything so -matter-of-fact. Ive summed it up to his daycare. All the older kids are basically girls and all potty trained - or training. This kid is picking up everything that his Lady is saying. It is hilarious. He hears it, remembers it, repeats it, and understands it, but most definitely doesn't always apply it correctly. (girl vs boy). I am amazed how much he has learned daily. He is at daycare 10 hours a day, so he picks up TONS of stuff. And he plays with his one little boy buddy and all girls. He also likes to tease them, so I heard. Of course -that is my child.

He most recently has started watching cartoons. (Another word his daycare says). We don't watch "cartoons" we watch Mickey Mouse, which really consists of more playing it on the TV while he plays in his play room. BUT he has started watching more TV. Maybe from daycare? I get ready in the mornings and if he wakes up before I usually get him up, he is content sitting and watching cartoons downstairs. I hear him the entire time "I want dat mom" for everything that is on TV. Mickey could be catching butterflies - Bridger wants the catcher. He can be throwing a ball, Bridger wants the ball. He is so funny. But he likes it and watches it. keeps his interested for about 1 show. (30 mins).

He is funny - both he and daddy are girls, and mommy -  I don't know, he hasn't told me yet. =)

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