

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Happy Thanksgiving 2012! We had so much to be grateful for this year.

We both have jobs. We all have our health. We have a roof over our heads. We bought a new house. This is just a few things. This is just 4 things. We have had a great year, but really over all - I am just so so thankful for my family. For my husband. For my son. The most important things in my life. I am so happy I got to spend another amazing year with them. I feel so blessed and I thank god daily. I felt extremely thankful on Thanksgiving this year. It just felt amazing. I relished in it all.

This year Ryan let me sleep in. He and Bridger got up and went to get us all breakfast. We ate and I got ready. After I finished we had to run to Walmart for some things. It was nice, not too packed. We got everything that we needed. We came home and I cleaned some just kind of waiting till it was time to go to my moms and her boyfriends. Ryan washed both of our cars with the help of Bridger. He is just a good little helper. We all got ready and headed to Jamies. We stayed over there for a bit and Bridger helped Grandma make some of the stuff.

We hung around Jamies for a little bit and got in some more pictures, attempted a family picture. Bridger is so funny and knows when we are taking pictures and tries his hardest to "not look" he is a ham!!


After hanging out there we had to head to Ryan's moms to make it to dinner on time. Once we got there they were starting to set stuff out. Bridger had not had a nap. He was running around like crazy, running in and out of the house, screaming, whining, etc. It makes me so nervous when he runs in and out of the house. Being on the water, it always makes me nervous if he isn't in eye sight. After so many talk backs, and yelling at us and spraying sprite all over the house, we decided it was nap time for him. Yes, it did happen that quick once we got to Ryan's moms. He tried putting him down, but he cried and cried. We took turns going in and checking on him. At one point he asked me for books. He does this at home. I saw where Memaw had his books stashed on the bookshelf in the spare room. I grabbed a couple and handed them over. Within 30 minutes our little guy was out. He just loves to lay there and read, he eventually tires himself more and passes out.
We all ate, hung out, looked at ads, talked. The boys loaded up the 3 wheelers in the boat since Ryan and his friends were headed to the cabin the next morning. I got some pictures with my sister n laws. Love them. They make me laugh. I love spending time with them.

After checking out the ads forever and trying to decide on some stuff and making my list for Ryan. I called my mom to check out the ads. We headed to black Friday? Bridger slept a good 2 1/2 hours. Once he got up, he hung out outside with everyone and came in and had his Thanksgiving dinner, which he ate so well. He really took to Leah's sister n law and they hung out for a good 2 hours. It was so cute, she had so much patience with Bridger. He loved it. We got out of there at a decent hour this year and was able to head home and have Bridger in bed by 9pm. My mom called and there wasn't anything she "had to have", great me either! I was exhausted and so happy to be to go to bed. No black Friday shopping for me. We had a great day with our families. Very thankful.

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