

Monday, November 12, 2012

Our Weekend

This weekend we didn't have a lot planned. A first. It was nice. Friday I went to the Peddler Show with my mom and Ryan worked a little late. I can't remember what we did this night. I do know I cleaned. My house was driving me crazy. Ryan had to go to work the next morning and woke me up saying bye and that Bridger was crying, what does he want me to do. really? It was 6am. Bring him in with me. Ryan left. Bridg played in our bed, pulling my hair, kicking me, talking to me, and all I wanted to do was sleep. After about an hour and he was surely worn out and had nothing else to play with in the bed that would occupy his time....I guess the games on my phone weren't fun anymore, I got yelled at numerous times. GET UP MAMA! We got up and cleaned some more. Watched cartoons and just hung out. It was nice.
After Bridgers nap we ran errands and came back to clean some more, and paint the trim for his room. That little monster did NOT want to take a nap. Ryan got home from work and was getting things ready for the game, (How about that A&M game!!) and his friends came over. I left to get my nails done and run some other errands. Bridger never napped. I made them all some cupcakes and they soon left a few hours after the game. I got Bridg down, finally and relaxed. Another friend of ours stopped by and we hung out back talking to him before heading to bed.
Sunday we woke up. Not to Bridger. Not to yelling. Not to screaming. We just woke up. How nice. I started getting ready for church. Bridger finally woke up at 8am. That is so unusual for him. I don't think he feels good. We went to church. My friend met us there. This week was about filling our spouses love tank the correct way, not with the love we want to give, but with the love that they want to receive, I guess that makes perfect sense! And not to focus on the bad, but on the good instead. It was a really good service. We have one more week left of this topic and it has all been wonderful.
Got home, Bridger laid down for a nap....took him an hour to fall asleep. Weird. But he slept. I cleaned, painted and once he got up we ran some more errands. That was it!!! So simple. So easy. No issues, no problems. It was awesome. I love just getting to spend time with my hubby and my son. Only one more weekend till Thanksgiving and crazy black Friday shopping!Better start narrowing down the last of my list so I know what I am getting!!

This week we have a AdvoCare mixer going on. We are doing it 2 nights. I'm praying we sell enough of it to become the Advisors we are wanting to be and that I can learn enough to really get going on my own, this has much opportunity in it and I just need to apply myself and get on the roll. Praying all goes well and we get what we need to get.

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