

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tired boy!

Since Bridger didn't get much sleep this weekend I knew it would be a difficult one. I even tried to put him down just a little bit past his bedtime Saturday night. As soon as we pulled up to the house and walked in, I heard a knock at the door. What the?! Who is that? Nobody called and said they were coming over and we JUST got home. It was the neighbor. She invited us down the street to the other neighbors to hang out and they were cooking. Bridger was running like a mad man- going crazy. Ryan said sure we can for a bit.
I thought it would be ok because Bridger gets to meet the other kids and maybe have some friends. He was SO shy! He wouldn't talk to anyone for the longest time. And....he was tired. Finally he warmed up and we all sit outside chatting and laughing. I decided at 10 I HAD to put him down. He fought me the whole way inside! Biting me, pulling my hair and screaming while I was bathing him. I so knew better but yet still let him stay up. I hate when I do that. We finally got him down. I knew the next day wouldn't be much better.

When I tried to put Bridger for a nap Saturday he was screaming and being out of control. I couldn't make him feel better. I let him be. I went back 5-10 mins later and had to peek in on him. ( I haven't yet set up the monitor from when Isabella was here). I open to the door and find him sitting at the end of his bed, the only place he can because of the bed rails, etc. my heart broke immediately. He was sitting hunched over crying to himself. I wish I could've taken a was so pitiful looking. I went over quickly to him and gave him lots of hugs and kisses and he was more receptive. We snuggled and I got him to nap. What a sweet boy. I just felt so so sad for him.

Sunday he did ok with a few spastic actions, but he did good and took a 3+ hour nap! He needed it.

I hate keeping my baby up late or not on schedule and man so does he. I love my sweet lovable boy that doesn't scream over any and everything. He can't help it. Mamas gotta do better! Going to try!!

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