

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Special Time

Every day when the clock hits 5:00pm, I am in a rush to hurry and clock out- turn off my computer, get down to my car as fast as I can so I can go get my baby. I'm secretly loving that Ryan doesn't have his personal truck right now so I can be the one that goes and picks up Bridg every day. I love it, I love how excited he gets when sees me and yells "Mama!" And comes running for me. Its those first few moments that make my heart really melt! He wraps his arms around me so tight and I tell him what I do every day " I missed you so much today!!" He smiles and usually responds with "where's my cup?" Haha he is more concerned with his cup of water. I kiss him thousands of times and stick him in his car seat for our quick 1 minute ride home.

We get home and he always, never failing, asks where his daddy is. "Working baby" - Bridger says " on da boat?" Sure baby, as I know we will repeat these questions until daddy gets home.

I used to rush in to start cleaning and picking up the house, the toys, whatever it may be because I can't stand to sit still for too long. Now, I happily get any snack out that Bridger is requesting. Out with the water and in with the milk. Ok no problem my love. Now we sit and snuggle on the couch watching whatever he wants too- even though he technically doesn't watch. Anything for you my love. Sometimes he gets crazy and wants to beat me up instead. Ok, we can do that for awhile too. This progressing age has left my baby becoming more snuggly and sweet. I'm eating it up.

Last night, attempting to paint my toenails- daddy cooked dinner. Sat to watch the X Factor , little man wants his own bowl of food. He doesn't want to share with mommy. Not sitting at the kitchen table as we usually do. I'm eating and little love bug pulls the blankets off the couch onto the floor next to us. "Aay ( lay) with me mamma" of course! I wouldn't want to do anything else! This lasted a little while. He's so sweet. Then he wanted to eat.

We ate, snuggled more and took a bath and got him down around 830. I hate that our time together during the week is cut so short. I'm enjoying every moment with him but still feeling like its not enough. This is such a special time and I like to soak up every minute. Oh how I wish I could stay home with him every day. I know I joke and say I couldn't because I need adult interaction- but that is kind of selfish, and really I could still find that. All while living in these precious years of my son that is growing entirely too fast all day, every day.

He makes me laugh and lights up my day! Just this morning, I was a bad mommy and opened his door flipped on his light 15 mins earlier than usual just so I could get some more time with him. And I'm so glad I did- he was a angel today. I always talk to him when we are together- always. This morning I kept saying ok we have to go as soon as mommy finds a shirt to wear- so finally I found one, and I said it- " ok Bridg mommy found a shirt" as in hinting to him it's time to go. He pops his little head out of my closet and says " good job mom, good job!" Buahahaha! He cracks me up. And this mom thing- I think it's cute of course but I really want him to keep saying mama, he still does but mom pops up a lot more. Makes me see him as older. :(

I can't wait for the weekend! More time with my love- I don't wanna keep "wishing my life away" but I can't help but wish for those weekends to get here so quick so I have him all day for 2 days!! It's amazing. This weekend he has a new little friend coming to stay. He has only met her once while she was a newborn. I hope he loves her just as much as I love her mama!

I love my Bridgy and our special time together.

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