

Monday, October 8, 2012

First Trip to the Cabin

This past weekend we took Bridger down to the cabin for the first time. We were nervous how he would do since it is an hour boat ride, but he did surprisingly well. I was really impressed.

We got up and left Saturday morning and we couldn't of asked for a better day! Ryan headed out to get the boat ready as I packed everything and picked us up some breakfast. We finally got out of here around 10am. It was calm, I mean slick calm, no wind. It was really amazing - perfect for Bridger's first boat ride down. He did good and sat next to us, and started moving around a lot more 30 mins into it. He finally sat on my lap and started giving me loves and being sweet on me, I finally got him to lay down on the seat with me - I knew he was tired. However - he didn't end up passing out - but he did fabulous on the way down.

I was so nervous once we got there. The pier is so long and here is my baby just walking around everywhere. I just knew he would trip over his foot or something and fall in. I couldn't keep the anxiety tucked away. I kept his life jacket on him the entire time!! We walked around the little island to try to find a soft sandy spot for him to play - but there were none. We had to go further out in the water and he did pretty good. It was hilarious - he would fall forward and with the life jacket how it works, it made his face go in the water if he wasn't careful, he didn't realize he had to roll on his back in order to make it easier to get up. He is so silly.

We finally got him down for a nap. I had to lay down with him, and I ended up passing out. Not for too long though. I think he ended up taking a 2 hour nap while Ryan cleaned up the island and the pier from all the junk! We cooked some food and just hung out. We both ended up getting sun burned, it was so beautiful. It was much windier on the way back, and Bridger was alot more anxious...he cried and whined some - but overall it was ok. We were all happy to get back! All 3 of us were pooped! Im sure from being in the sun all day long. It was a good day to spend on the water before our cool front came in Sunday night.

We are excited to fix the cabin up and start to take Bridger more often. He will love it just like his daddy!!!

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