

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I just can't get enough of my sweet boy lately. I miss him so much during the day and am always eager to go pick him up. He lights up my world and is perfect. I decided to sneak in some christmas shopping last night with my mom at the mall. Bridger decided that this was one of those nights that he did not want to corporate. He didn't want to shop. bummer.
We walked to the cookie factory thinking I could get him his favorite cookie that daddy always gets him and he would sit still better. As soon as I pushed his stroller up to the cookies, his spotted his daddys, A m&m double doozie and he yelled, "der's daddy's ookie Mama!" haha, wow - this is hilarious and sad all in one. What a cutie! We got some cookies and tried to leave. However Bridger decided that he wanted Daddys cookie this time. Oh boy! Not what I was imagining...and all that frosting...yikes! SO - build-a-bear was next door! Wala! The cheapest bear they have is $10! I can do that. He got a cute little puppy with a white patch on his eye. He watched the guy stuff it so intesensly - it came time for him to get the dog and I was able to manage a switch! cookie for dog kid! hehe! It worked! However- his happiness didn't last the rest of our shopping trip - I managed to hurry and pick up a xmas present for Ryan and 2 fabulous pairs of shoes at Dillards, um, for myself!! I love sales!!
When we left we gave daddy a call on speaker phone to see when he would be home. Unfortunately not till late - Bridger actually talked with Ryan on the speaker phone in the car! He never wants to!! Ryan asked him questions and bridger would answer with his sweet, "yesh" he then preceeded to ramble on about something else. Ryan then told him I would take him to McDonalds...ouch, how do you say no to that? My little one was waiting for some fries!

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