

Saturday, July 30, 2011


I have been packing this past week and I am wore out! It is truly amazing how much crap you can accumulate over time! Definitely a TON more than when we first moved up here 5 1/2 years ago! I have been trashing lots and it feels great!

I have now packed around 17 boxes and am probably not even half way packed! It is tiring and very hard to make some of these things fit into a box or wrap safely so they won't get broken. We are getting there and I can't wait till we are 100% complete!!

Tonight Ryan and I loaded up some big stuff on a trailer and will finish off his truck tomorrow morning before he heads back. Since we got some bigger things out of the way, we have a lot more space. We decided to get out Bridgers pop up tunnel thing that his Memaw got him for his birthday. I didn't put it all together, but the main piece we put up and Bridger was going crazy with excitement!!!

We have never seen him so excited before, he was doing his little "evil" laugh...which is really a crazy laugh held in..under his breath....does that make since? He kept doing it over and over again as I was setting it was the sweetest cutest thing. We put the balls in it and he had a blast and played in it for awhile with his Daddy! I'm sure this will be a good "new" toy for him while we finish out our last couple of weeks here in Beaumont.

Once we get it to Corpus and find a place to set it up for him, I would like to buy enough balls to fill the entire bottom! Make it more fun and playful for him! I can't wait till he starts going thru the tunnels that all connect to each other! Here is what it looks like put together!

He also found his boppy pillow that was stored kind of behind the couch. Since finding it he loves sitting in it or laying on it! He gets up, runs around, and goes back to sit in it again. I can't wait to buy him a little chair to sit in, I think he would really enjoy it.

Tonight was a late night and Bridger didn't get to bed till 9ish. He had a late nap and was such a good boy after waking! We played and he actually ate a good dinner while I cooked dinner for Ryan and I. Usually he doesn't eat too much, but I even had to open a can of green beans for him after his finished his meal. He ate every single piece of food I gave him and 2 sippys full of water! What a good little boy!

Today was a friend of ours baby shower for her sweet little Kendal that is due August 24th. Since we are in the process of moving and need to get finished...and Ryan is working down there and coming home on the weekends to take loads back, I will not be in Corpus until our final move. I had to miss the shower. I remember how amazing it is to have people show up and help you celebrate this new perfect life! I'm sad I missed it, but I can't wait to see her in just a few short weeks!! I love all these sweet little babies!

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