

Monday, July 11, 2011


We had a very low key weekend. Ryan had some side jobs that he had to finish before heading out to his fishing tournament this we stayed home so he could finish. He also had another job come in as well! He is pretty busy.

We did manage to go to His and Her weekend on Saturday. It is the Peddler Show and Outdoor Expo done together in the same building. Beaumont isn't that big so the shows aren't that big, but I still love going and checking things out. It is definitely different then when I get to go with my mom in Corpus. With the boys I don't really have the time to stop and look at everything, I don't really ever end up buying anything. It is fun browsing though. After the expo we went to lunch at Red Lobster and Bridger was a chore! I guess since he has been teething for awhile he doesn't feel like eating as well. Food was no distraction for this little guy, which we are not used too! We tried everything, I even let him sit with me for awhile in the booth, that was interesting. We would get up and walk with him then try to sit him down again. Overall, he did OK, but he was past due for a nap!! Eating out is slowly becoming harder and harder. Think those days are nearing short to none.   

Bridger is such a funny little boy! For awhile now he has being handing me things that he isn't suppose to be playing with, like he is helping me out or something. Recently he actually does help me with things, and brings me things and every time he does he says "Here". It is so adorable! I kept wondering where in the heck he got that from until I listened to myself this weekend, its seems like more often than not when I interact with Bridger I say "here" when I hand him something, or "look" when I'm trying to distract him or show him something. I do it a lot! Looks like this little guy has picked it up! I love it! I've been trying to listen to him harder lately, because I do think he is saying little things, just not in a way we understand. He tries and he "talks" all the time!!! He is always saying "yeah" when we ask him a least its yeah more than no, no. =)
This weekend he was extra sweet and gave me many kisses! I LOVE when he does that, I was being spoiled! We pulled out his old toys in his room and went thru them and he has now decided he is going to take a baby rattle everywhere with him. We pulled out a piglet puppet and I was playing with him and talking, he was watching piglet very closely....and I (piglet) said..."give me five!" and sure enough....Bridger gave piglet five! I thought it was so cute I started laughing and Bridger looked completely confused. What a cutie pie!

So for now, I will indulge and love listening to "Here".

How sweet is this little 3 month old!?!

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