

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Bridger!

We finally have a 1 year old. I am excited, but also think - where did the time go. I no longer have a baby, just a curious non stop toddler! I do love the baby stage but I am super excited to move into the toddler stage. Bridger is getting to the point where he can do more things and he gets excited about things, and is ever so curious how to do everything! It is fun to teach him and watch him learn. To see how he sees things in this eyes. He is so innocent and adorable!!!

We had a first birthday party for him at his Memaws this past weekend. Unfortunately it will always be on Memorial Day weekend and we will have ups and downs of people attending. Being his first birthday ever, yes it was important, but also not in need of everyone possible attending. Many people had plans and were out of town, etc. We had a lot of our friends show up and a couple of kids. Bridger didn't mind - he did his own thing like always and just played. He got to meet his sweet little friend Sawyer for the first time. They were cute! They are exactly 6 months apart. It is amazing to see the difference in how he will be in just 6 short months. The kids played in the water some, and with the toys. The boys sat outside and cooked and drank beer.

Some more of kiddos and friends

And we have cake!!! Bridger wasn't sure about it at first, and Ryan put his hand in the cake for him, he took a couple of bites of frosting, but I think he was more into smearing it and smashing it around!! He really didn't like the hose down process, but what fun for this sweet little boy!!

The boys decided to do a little slip n slide after the kiddos left and Bridger was down. They even put canola oil on it! But I think they were too big anyway! =)

I am sure Bridger had a great day with great friends. Now I have this amazing toddler and so excited to watch him learn and grown even more!

Happy Birthday Bridger!!!!

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