

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Corpus Weekend

While the guys were down at the cabin, I stayed in Corpus and spent time with my mom and my nephew, Cairo that was in town from Utah. We didn't do too many exciting things as they already had planned to go camping Monday and needed to prepare for that. It was fun to just hang out and visit with my nephew and Bridger to play with his cousin.
Bridger hasn't been feeling well and wasn't in the best of moods this weekend, so it was challenging. We headed to Port A to get Ryan a visor for Fathers Day(they only sell in Port A) and Bridger cried for at least 15-20 mins straight during the car ride! It was horrible! He is normally just a good little traveler that it was very overwhelming for both he and I.
We went and visited Grandpa Ron as well but had to cut our visit short because Bridger was so tired, he was whiny, cranky and falling all over the tile floor because he couldn't keep his balance. Nap time was way over due!
We took Bridger on wagon walks at night and he loved it! He could sit in his wagon for hours! He would see other boys playing outside and would stare at them for as long as he could, then start waving to them. It was so cute!! One night we went to Applebees for dinner and he was so wonderful! It was late and I was shocked that he did so good. Although he ate the entire time!! This little boy is such a good eater! Thank goodness! (knock on wood!).
We headed home late Sunday morning, but I am happy that I at least got to see my nephew! It is always so long in between visits with my sister and her family that this was a treat!! I hope he has a great rest of the week with Grandma! Wish I would've gotten more pictures.

Here is Bridger eating some lunch, waiting for Grandpa Harris to arrive to meet him!

Wagon rides! He is in love!

Port A - Trout Street Bar and Grill

Cairo is a cool dude!

Walking along the Marina

Being Naughty at Grandpa Rons. Trying to eat the mail. Realizing it doesn't taste so good

Very first bubble bath! Grandma had bubbles!

Walking with Memaw, more like Memaw chasing Bridger around the yard. He is such a handful and Memaw is so good with him.

Time with cousin Cairo. It was fun seeing you cousin, and I will miss you!

On our way home!! Bridger does so well now! He hardly sleeps, dang it! ha. but he is usually a good boy and stays in a pretty good mood. Lately we have been turning on the dvd and playing some of his movies for him. Some he watches more than others...but at least it is a little bit distraction for him from the 5 hour car ride to and from Corpus.

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