

Monday, August 6, 2012


Bridger has been cracking me up lately. I just know when this little boy get old enough to really talk well, he will be saying some pretty funny stuff. I'm sure its all normal stuff that all kids do and say, but its just so cute when you experience it with your own child for the first time. Like- I'm wondering when the heck he got so big! Ryan and I can be having a conversation about him and he chimes in or acts out what we are saying! Since when is he old enough to know what we are talking about and apply it correctly?! Bridger always feels warms since we moved...I wasn't sure if it was a fever or just being warm from playing or maybe our house is too hot?! I'm constantly feeling his face and cheeks to see how he feels. I was telling Ryan the other day that Bridger just seems so warm all the time and he doesn't have a fever, how weird is that, we look at Bridger watching us and feeling his forehead and cheeks like I do! We both busted out laughing and of course Bridg did too!

Yesterday morning when Bridger woke up he was standing by his door crying (he does this since we have a child plastic doorknob lock on his door so he doesn't get up 20 times a night! (Which he would!) So Ryan got up and got him while I relaxed in bed, secretly trying to catch a few more zzzzz's. They get up and do their thing and I hear Ryan asking Bridger if he wanted to go get breakfast with daddy. This goes back and forth for awhile and I realize I wont be getting any more sleep and get up. I take B to his room to get him dressed and as I'm dressing him he is telling me about how he is about to go "bye bye". "Mama, I go bye bye (jiberish) with daddy in daddys truck (some more jibberish) OK Mama? OK? bye!" really? I'm going bye bye with daddy too, I just haven't had time to get dressed myself yet! haha!

B: "Mama, Where's Dad-dee?" - Me: He is working baby -  B:"oh, ok". 
literally 1 minute later - "Mama, where is Dad-dee?" , he is working bridg - "On da boat?" - no he is working on the pool, "On da pool mama?" - yes Bridg, on the pool.
Another minute later - "Mama, Where is Dad-dee?" - remember I told you he was working?, "On da boat mama?" - LOL No - on the pool. "Oh, ok."
Another minute - "Mama, wheres Dad-dee?" - Working Bridg.... "on da boat?" sure. "on da boat Mama?" - yes Bridg, on the boat. "oh"
- This went on ALLLLL day yesterday. Not exaggerating - this is fully how the conversation went over and over throughout the day. It is so cute, but not after hearing it the first 10 times....50 times later Daddy is finally home and Bridger is asking him how the boat is. haha.

He tells me "I walk" when we go to stores now- ummm no, you will ride. ha. I could only imagine a little 2 year old running around getting into everything. At least he is trying to be grown?!

He is also so so sweet. At night when I put him down we have our little time of cuddles and talks. I kiss him billions of times and tell him I love him over and over again. He tells me "I wuv you to mama" the first 3 times, then he doesn't say anything and lets me kiss him and keep telling him. I hold my arms out and say I love you this much Bridger, now he does it too except it says "dis much too mama". I love when I lean over his bed to kiss him and he puts his little arms around me neck and pulls me to him. Pure love!!!

We have been learning new things, or trying. I have a feeling with Bridger it is going to take a lot longer for him to pick up on things, or rather - show that he has picked up on them. We ask him colors all the time - everything used to be blue....but now he changes it up to yellow and red. So I don't think he even really knows blue. He has some things in his room I am teaching him - the letter B - he says B. good boy. He has a sign that my sister made for him with his name - I've taught him that it is his name and says "Bridger" so he says his name when I ask. And then he has an anchor on his wall too - anchor is really hard for him to say, he tries. Its cute.

Also - since we are trying to get moved in I have been doing alot of stuff around the house. constantly cleaning or picking up, arranging, un packing - ive stubbed a few toes, hit a few bones, and everytime I react Bridger tells me - "I sorry Mama" (im still quiet b/c it hurts like a you know what) and he puts his hand on my shoulder "I sorry Mama" haha. He is so sweet!! He is sorry for things he doesn't even do!

I love how he always repeats himself until we answer or acknowledge. I guess he gets that from us asking him over and over things or maybe asking his daddy things over and over. ha.

We also ask him what things are "What is that Bridger?" "What is this?" ALL the time. Now - he does it to us. ha. but not in the tone where he is really curious, in the similiar tone we use - the tone like we are suppose to know! (Which we do of course) He cracks me up.

He is such joy. He has been such a stinker since we have moved - I know the adjusting is very hard - and we have tried to have as much patience as possible. However, I will be extremely delighted when we get our sweet (as sweet as a 2 yr old can be) back!!

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