

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


We have been so busy this month as I'm sure everyone else is too. I feel like this whole month flew right by me and I didn't really get to enjoy the Christmas season. Every year I say I'm going to prepare a little bit better, but I never have. I'm sitting still as the holidays season comes speeding past me, waving to me. Hello! I want to be part of that too! Slow down.  I am even crazy busy at work. This is one of my favorite times of the year, smells, colors, lights, giving, decorations and remembering what Christmas is!  I hope I can really soak up some time within this next week before Christmas actually gets here. I get off half day early tomorrow and off till after Christmas. I am looking forward to it. I have some last minute Christmas shopping to get done.

With all this end of the world talk I was unsure how I felt about going out and about. I think it should be fine, but I am just worried about the crazy people out there. People really do act crazy and do crazy things. I don't want any part of it. But dang, I have stuff to do. I don't know what I think of it all.

Bridger is still doing great but he is driving us to question our sanity. I am not sure what is going on with him. Just another growth spurt or just flat out terrible 2's! He has been so so naughty lately. It is constant and he just doesn't ever stop. He is constantly fighting with us, telling us to shut up and trying to hit us or bite us. I just don't get it. I'm trying to be patient with him, but I'm lost on what to do. He can be the sweetest little boy ever, but he makes our nights a whirl wind of fighting. I'm usually so worn out by the time I get him down, and I have to be sure to take my own personal time to relax and calm back down. Its a constant fight. Literally. He goes to time out all the time. He comes out, apologizes and then is back to doing naughty things 2 seconds later!! I just wish I could stay home with him and keep him scheduled, because he needs it badly! I don't think he is napping at daycare among some other things. But I can't, so I have to figure out something else to help get this boy under control! He is the sweetest best boy ever and I like to see him like that. I really hate having to discipline him every 2 minutes.

Other than his naughtiness, he is growing so much. He remembers everything and repeats everything. He uses his sentences correctly and is understanding so much. He makes us laugh and we realize we will have our hands full in years to come, those tricky school years. He thinks he is so funny! and says "I funny" I'm glad he is so light hearted and can laugh at himself, but i just know he will be a little mischievous in school. He is so fun! Between all the fighting, disciplining, he is seriously so funny!

Time is just going to fast. Time to go enjoy it and soak in this holiday season with all its blessings and amazingness.

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