

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Almost Christmas.....

I can't believe that we are only 2 days away from Christmas. I love it and can't wait to see Bridger's excited face, but I feel as if all my days rolled into one and I haven't really gotten to enjoy this holiday season. I have decorated and done tons of arts and craft for Christmas, but I have been so busy aside from that, I don't even think I have listened to much Christmas music. What the heck?!? It always goes fast and I know that. This is just a busy time of year.

We ventured out yesterday early morning to finish our last minute Christmas Shopping. We got up early and jumped on the ball. I knew it would be packed but I thought the earlier that better. We flew through it and finished all but 2 presents. Then, I had to go to the dreaded mall. I had to. No way around it. My sister-n-law is in love with the store Francesca's and I needed to pick her up some things. Bridger went down for a nap and Ryan stayed home so I could go. The traffic heading out wasn't bad. It was the strangest thing. As soon as I came up to the mall, through the back way that I always go, it was entirely packed! I mean, every parking spot, it was crazy. I got lucky and got a spot. Did my shopping along with the thousands of other people. Lines weren't too bad at the stores, there was just people everywhere!!! I really hate waiting to the last minute. I am so not a last minute person. We always have just a couple left, it never fails. However, I am finished now and it feels great! I need to finish wrapping.

Bridger has been cracking me up lately with all his funny things he says. He is so smart. I laugh at him constantly and have to put him in time out constantly as well too. He thinks EVERYthing is funny. Literally. We are trying to teach him it isn't nice to do certain things and he laughs. We legit only laugh at him with the funny things, but he thinks everything is funny. He is definitely his daddy. I absolutely can't wait till Christmas to see his face and his happiness fill the morning. His laughter and sweet hugs. I love seeing my baby so so happy. It will be so different from last year, and I think he will get it more this year. Merry Christmas to all!!!

I get SO many hugs and random kisses, I love him!

Absolutely love when he holds my hand

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