

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ryan's Company Christmas Party

Last week we had Ryan's Company Christmas party to attend. He works for such a large company, spread out, that they each have little divisions, or large ones too I'm sure. His "home" office is in Freer. Since they work out in the "field" he doesn't do alot of stuff out of the office, but drops by almost everyday to do some computer work or whatever else that is quick and easy. It is a very small office and very few guys work out of that office.

His Christmas party consisted of that, the people that work in/around the Freer office. It was of course, in Freer. It was a Thursday night. Thought that was strange, we had a hour 1/2 drive each way.

I rushed home from work early so I could get ready and get Bridger ready as his Memaw was coming to stay with him. Ryan tells me, you know that this party is outside. Umm, no I did not know this. Good thing he told me. I had to completely change my entire outfit. I didn't want to stand out like a sore thumb so I had him call our friends and see what she was wearing. Jeans. Yay. We headed out and arrived about 30 mins into the party. I was nervous as we were following the directions they had provided to us, down a dirt Freer...nothing out there. When we finally arrived there was a man standing at a gate opening it and closing it after each vehicle. It looked nice as we entered. Once we started walking back behind the trees, it looked like a ranch! It was so pretty. White lights strung everywhere, ponds, a few houses on property, in the middle was an open area with a bar, slot machines, tables set up for food on a wood type deck covered in lights. The guys were shooting bow and arrows, the kids were running around playing. It was so nice! It looked like a place you could rent. We hung out, talked and laughed. They served a BBQ type of food, which was good and gave away door prizes. Both Karie (Ryan's bosses wife) and I won King Ranch gift cards. $150. It was awesome. We had a great time and headed back on the road by 830.


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