

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Mommy and Bridg time

Daddy left to go on his annual hunting trip down to the landcut Friday morning so it was just Bridger and I all weekend! We didn't do too many exciting things and relaxed for once...well kind of. We shopped a little and ran some errands each day just to get out of the house.

I took down all of my fall stuff and put my Christmas decorations up. It literally took me all weekend! And when Bridger was up it was even harder to decorate the tree, or organize or clean.....
I also had to do my regular house cleaning along with painting the spare my "relaxing" weekend really wasn't that at all.
I am worn out! I don't know why I am so worn out. My body head hurts and I am just out of energy. I bet I'm getting sick.
Aside from all of that going on Bridger isn't feeling 100% either and he was full on stinker mode this weekend! It definitely tested my patience and sanity! =) He would be good for a little awhile, but he just couldn't help himself and wouldn't listen, or stay out of anything! I still had a blast with him and am so thankful to spend the time with him and would have it no other way...but momma is for sure worn out!!

I also wrapped almost every present that I had. Bridger was ok during this process...but he definitely loved trying to the take the bows off of the was interesting...but we managed and we completed the wrapping! So happy to be that much closer to completing my Christmas list!

Even though Bridger wasn't feeling 100% this weekend he still manged to crack me up and have a great personality about things. He is such a little jokster himself and I find him a little funny. =) I can't believe how grown he gets each day. This weekend was the first time that I could actually tell him to do something...and he would do it and know what I was saying....ok...acted like he knew what I was saying...Im sure he has known for a long time. A simple, please put that back, or hand it to mommy, please sit down, go find your water....look out at the window for daddy...he did them all. Every time he wanted something he just came and got me and showed me! I loved it.
 And since he didn't feel good he was super loving! I got lots of hugs and kisses....It was amazing. He can be such a lover....such a sweetheart. I hate that he doesn't feel good...but I love that I get so many hugs and kisses and 'awwwws'
He was SOO very excited when daddy came home today. He wouldn't leave his side and was attached to him the rest of the day! It is so cute how much he adores his daddy. I know Ryan loves all the attention too!

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