

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Big Boy!

Lately Bridger has been such a good boy! He is behaving much better and cracking us up! (Knock on wood!!).
I actually have been full force into the discipline department. In the beginning it would take at least 10 minutes to get him to do something I ask, etc. I stuck strong and he wound up doing it! yay! It is getting much better and he listening and behaves so well!

I have been getting millions of kisses everyday. He even has started to pucker! I love it! I so love getting kisses from my baby boy! It is so sweet. When I pick him up from daycare he hugs me around my neck so hard and kisses me! I can tell him to get into his carseat and he does! And then says "Cracker" haha. He has to have his afternoon snacks when I pick him up.

Tonight I showed Ryan he was hungry....he is trying to use his words, but we still can't understand all of it. He wanted in the fridge and Ryan kept asking "what?" He ran to the highchair and pointed to get in! He was telling him he was hungry! aw! He has also taken my hand and led me to his "cabinet" and I picked him up and he opened the cabinet door and picked what he wanted! In this case...breakfast. It was so adorable! He is learning to communicate so much better with us since we can't understand all of this words.

He is still on his bottles. We haven't broke that habit yet. I literally have a few weeks to get it done and well established. I want to try, but I feel bad. he really really loves his bottles. they are such a comfort to him. I need to go find some bigger sippy cups that have a soft top. Hope I can gain some strength and follow thru and break my baby of his loving bottle.

He finally is so good at letting me brush his teeth. It was always such a fight every single day with him. I brush and than I let him finish and get the concept of it.

I had my very first choking scare with him last night. He was eating a french fry and started choking on it. Thank goodness we were at my moms and her boyfriend was there to keep both of us as calm as we could possibly be. Bridger finally was able to swallow it and was very scared. We all were. We need to watch that little boy and how he likes to stick everything in his mouth at once!

Bridger how knows what a duck says!...but thats it. I guess "quack quack" is the easiest! This is such  fun age! Of course...I have loved every age and every single thing that he learns and does! =p

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