

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for so many things! I am especially thankful for my sweet darling baby boy! He is the light of my life. He is amazing in every way possible. Even when he is being so difficult and bad...I would never change it for the world. He is my world. We are SO SO blessed with this life and our son.

I am thankful for my husband as well! He is an amazing daddy and I think it is perfect! He does so much for Bridger and I and works his tail off! We have grown so much as a couple (in the 8 years we've been together) and as parents. I am so lucky to have him not only as my hubby but as my best friend as well!

I am thankful for our family and friends, our jobs and our house. Our health and so so much more. We are so blessed and I truly am so thankful!

We spend Thanksgiving this year at Ryans aunts. It was the most low key Thanksgiving we have ever had. It was a nice change though. We got a late start because Bridger was napping, but once he got up we left and went and hung out for a while and ate. Bridger is just so non stop after awhile we were both ready to wears you out chasing him and saying no over and over again.  We spent the rest of the afternoon at home and Ryan and Bridger didn't feel that good and took it easy. I started getting my Christmas stuff out and planned out what I needed during my mom and I's black friday shopping.

About 945 that night my mom and I headed out to do our black friday shopping. I love how it starts thursday night...although I may not love it if I had to wait to go to stores that don't open till 5. We went to Walmart, Macys and Kohls. I didn't buy a ton, but I did get some stuff I wanted and for a great deal! Worth it to me! I did buy Ryan and I an early Christmas sheets! They are so nice and $150 off! amazing deal! I may start going every year but there are some stores that I refuse to go to! I will never hit up Best Buy....or Toys R Us on a black friday....too crazy. It was nice, but momma was tired the next morning when Bridger decided to wake up at 6:30!

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