

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Surprise Present

Ryan hasn't been able to come home as often as he was, so when we does get to come home we are so excited here in the Harris household. Bridger got a surprise this weekend and got special new toy from Daddy just because Daddy missed him!!

He is so excited to see this new toy and is trying to help his Dad get it out of the box!

He was so excited to get on it and did his hilarious little chuckle he does!

He was so excited and starting hitting his hands on it! He was learning how to bounce on it! I love how it sings songs and says colors and teaches him! I also love how he can get on and off of it all by himself! Go Bridger!!!

Lately Bridger has grown so much! It is like it took off the past couple of weeks. Now we can ask him a question and he answers....ok ok...he says huh or nuh uh...and sometimes yea. He is learning to communicate a little bit better and show us what he wants. He is still repeating lots of words to us and is beginning to learn his animals and knows where his nose is! What a smart boy! We sing ABC's every night and he always gets extremely quiet and listens so carefully.

Over the past week at daycare Bridger has gotten bit 3 times!! They are pretty good bites. I finally got to talk to one of the daycare ladies that was there and she informed me that Bridger and this little girl....a little girl..imagine NOT like eachother. She said she has to keep them in seperate rooms. The first couple times she bit him we thought it was because he startled her, which I'm not suprised, that is just Bridgers personality. Yesterday is happened because Bridger pushed her down! yikes! Does he already have a crush...haha. Unfortunately this little girl doesn't like Bridger and keeps biting him, I hope she gets over it soon! My poor baby looks terrible with bit marks that are turning into bruises.

Bridger also likes to talk on the phone now. When Daddy calls I put the phone up to his ear and he listens so well and waits his turn and starts talking up a storm to him. Too bad we don't know what he is saying, but he is sure that he is telling his daddy something important. It is adorable! I have got to remember to get it on video!

Lately he has really been loving his blankets....he always has but now we can't even leave the house without one in tow. He even had to bring it into daycare this morning! I love that he loves snuggle blankies like his momma! Now if only he would snuggle with me!! =)

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