

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Our weekend

Saturday morning I woke up at 4am to a crying baby. I got him a bottle and went back to bed. Around 8am I heard him crying and again and had a slow reaction out of my sleep. Because I have been sick too, I sleep so much harder! Once I finally woke up, I heard a crazy water running noise. Like a toilet filling up noise. I got up and started towards the noise...and my screaming baby. I opened my bedroom door and much to my surprise....water covered the entire floor!!!!
I basically freaked out! Ran and turned the light on in restroom and it was the toilet running! I hurry and grabbed Bridger and called my mom to rush her and Jamie over to help me. I tried to turn the toilet off, but obviously I suck.....Jamie got there and turned it off.....and we started cleaning  up the water in the hallway and seeing what damage it did.....
Both of the front 2 spare rooms were completely under, both hallways and part of Bridgers room, and of course the restroom. It was horrible. I called the property manager immediately and waited to hear what to do.
I had a couple errands to I did. I finally got her and let her know what happened. To make a REALLY LONG story short....our house flooded and it took them aawhile to fix it. It smelled horrible for days! Finally by Monday someone came in and cleaned out the old carpet and cleaned the floors. Tuesday they replaced the carpet....i love new carpet smell. We are all good now on the rooms. Toilet is off for now.....needs to be replaced. Property manager doesn't really get it.
Unfortunatetely, the water did damage some of the walls in the hallway and the restroom. Again, I am waiting on word as to what they are going to do about it. However, because it has been so long...I'm sure mold could be starting....not sure how big of a job it will be to we are not going to buy this house anymore. I am so bummed! We were going to get a good deal on it, I love it, Its big...big enough for us...but of course we can't buy something that has mold starting to grow. Im super bummed....moving on.

Aside from going to the Palmer's, we had family pictures scheduled for sunday morning! I haven't seen any proofs yet...but I sure hope they turned out good! We have never taken professional pictures before as a family, or outside. Hopefully we got some good shots.....these were going to be my christmas cards this year!!!

Overall, it was a crazy packed weekend. A flooded house just made it 100 times worse.

Bridger looking so cute in his coral polo.....not pink....coral.

This is Bridgers newest thing...he is constantly sticking his tongue out! I have no idea where he got it from or how it started. My mom informed me the other day that this was something that I used to do when I was a little girl! How funny that Bridger is now doing it as well! He is so cute!

This is Bob....Ryans mom and her boyfriend found this at his rental house. The people had moved out and refused to come and get the rest of their stuff and among it was this cute dinosaur. Bridger wasn't sure what to think of it, but I am sure he will be loving it one day! You turn it on and it walks....turns its head, flares its nostrils, and makes dinosaur is so cute!! I love it!!

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