

Friday, October 7, 2011

Pink Eye

This morning I got up as usual doing my morning routine. When I woke Bridger up he seemed ok, I turned the light on and immediately saw his eyes. I continued to get him ready and kept checking out this eyes...once I got him in the bathroom under the bright lights I could see how bright red and slightly swollen his eyes really were.

I still finished us getting ready like usual, and decided to swing by daycare to see what they said about him staying or going, thinking maybe it could just  be allergies or something. His daycare teacher informed me when I showed her that a little girl in his class went home with pink eye Wednesday! eek! They didn't tell me so i was not expecting to hear that. Needless to say, yes he had to go home.

I called into work and than tried calling Blue Cross Blue Shield to see if my insurance really is effective the 15th...and not now. Ummm, its effective the 1 week! Seriously?!?! Had to go to the cheaper doctor again and wait FOREVER! It was miserable. We spent a total of 2 hours at the doctors office. Bridger threw many fits, luckily he was entertained with the other little boys in the waiting area. He ran in so many circles, I felt horrible letting him run wild, but figured what the heck, every parent was letting their child run crazy.....obviously they didn't mind. So I let Bridger go all out. He loved it.

After our 2 hour appt, yes he has pink eye AND I got super lucky and the doc GAVE me his meds. How awesome is that?!! Since we don't have insurance yet...(in 1 week remember) the meds would have been really expensive and he just gave them to me. Whew! Only thing that sucks about going to this doctor is that he does aim towards helping people, etc so it is just him and appts do take forever! They always will. I can't wait for his insurance to kick in and go to a quicker doctor and closer to home. I'm very thankful he helped us out this time though! It was amazing.

I wasn't even driving 5 mins after we left and Bridger fell asleep! He wore himself out so much! No wonder he is moody during the week when I pick him up....he runs so wild all day and only gets a 2 hour nap! Definitely not enough.

Now we have to mend our sweet baby boy back to health again. Daycare are a good thing, but man does my poor child get everything that goes around. =(

After we came home and I got him down for a nap, he woke up a couple hours later and it was no very good news. He was screaming bloody murder and wouldn't stop. He started coughing, and a runny nose started...I suctioned it, but after it started bleeding, not sure if the suction hit his little inner nose too hard or what (b/c he was fighting me of course). After holding him everywhere I went and everything I did...he finally calmed down 5-10 mins later. Poor baby felts so bad he just wanted him mommy! AW! I love those moments. He ate some lunch and decided to play a little bit! What a good little boy!

We had some lunch and got ready to head out. I many errands to run, but really didn't accomplish much on my list. I hate when that happens! Sometimes I just don't want to run the un-fun errands. terrible. We headed to the mall instead. I picked up some good deals and got a couple of things for Bridger and I. Went to Kohl's after to use my free $10 coupon! Got some cute Halloween stuff on 60% off. Score! We than met Daddy at TGI Friday's with Grandma and Jamie. It was interesting. We were sitting where they couldn't put a highchair, (b/c we crashed mom and Jamies dinner) and Bridger had to sit in a booster between us....he did not sit still 1 time. It was tiring!
It was way past his bedtime and I rushed home to bathe and get him into bed! Of course he took time to cuddle with his Daddy! What a sweetheart!

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