

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Our Weekend with Daddy!

So Ryan came home Friday night and after being home with sick Bridger napping, we met my mom and Jamie at TGI Fridays for some dinner! We basically crashed their dinner! haha. Since we came later, where they were seated wouldn't allow for a highchair and they have us a booster. Really? A booster for my 16month old? Ha! Yea it didn't work out and we had to get rid of it. The rest of the dinner was spent practically leaning and laying on daddy and I. It was interesting. We will always have a highchair from now on! I think Bridg was just so excited to have his daddy home!

Saturday Ryan headed up to Beaumont to get another load...the last load or so we thought. So we really didn't get daddy home with us the entire weekend. He left super early. We got up ran our own errands and met up with Grandma later to get some more shopping done. He was such a good boy the entire time! I picked him up a Lion at Kohls friday for the KohlsCares, and he has since been so attached to it and has taken it everywhere with him this weekend. I'll have to get his cute picture lugging it around!

We met Daddy at his Aunt Lyndas for his cousins birthday and had some great family time with them.

Sunday we got up and headed to church! Yes! Finally! I am so happy. We have been trying to go since we moved here, and we finally made it. Hope we can continue to go every single weekend. This Sunday's service was about Adultery. It was a great service with some fabulous points. I was a bit sad that it was a taped video instead of Pastor Bill actually being there, but it was still a good service.

We headed home for a nap and it was nice and rainy out and both of my boys got their naps in! I painted the restroom......or began painting. After naps we headed to eat and get Bridg a Halloween costume! So, they have terrible picks for infants.....they are all kind of basic...nothing to exciting or unique. I should've done some Internet searching and seen what I could have came up with. Instead, we just want to be done and know we have a costume since we will be busy every weekend up till Halloween. Sooo, after saying eh to every costume...the both of us just picked up what we thought was best. A monkey. I always said i never wanted Bridger to be a monkey. haha! He's going to be a monkey. Here it is.... we need to do some alterating on it...but it will work for this sweet little boy.

After we swung by the mall and then picked up his meds for his sickness....the "only if you have to" meds. I feel like we had too. He is now wheezing and coughing a bunch! I sure hope this works!
We stopped by blockbuster to rent some people still really go to blockbuster? Or does everybody use redbox now? Well Ryan wanted a certain movie and he found it there. I also picked up this dvd for Bridger. I have heard about it from other bloggers and heard that it is I got it for a great price and can't wait to play it for Bridger and see how much he likes it!

We had a great time with Daddy and even though Bridger has been sick, he has been so good!! I can't believe how big my little boy is! He is such a delight!

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