

Monday, October 24, 2011


Our friends mom has recently got into embroidering her own things. She bought the machine and has learned how to use it! Impressive!! She makes her granddaughter so many cute things and also all of the extras for her husband and sons fishing team!!

I love getting things embroidered! I wish I would've done more of Bridger's things when he was a baby because I think that is when it is even more precious!! I would embroider everything if I could and if I had the money to support it!

So I contacted our friends mom and she did a couple of items for me! I am so happy with the result and of course makes me a little more excited knowing that I know someone who does it, just in case I may need something embroidered again....which I'm sure I will!

Here is what I had done for baby Isabella!

I also had bought this pillow case a the Peddler show a few months ago and I wanted to get it WALA!

1 comment:

  1. Danielle, you bring me anything you'd like done for that sweet little boy. Just remember my disclaimer!

