

Friday, August 19, 2011


This past weekend we planned a trip back to Beaumont to get the rest of the house stuff. Ryan got in Friday night, around 8. We have been dealing with these annoying little sugar ants since moving in. Apparently they are annoying to many homeowners here in South Texas in homes that are older. Ryan and I ran to Lowe's to get some ant stuff my mom uses and get it spread out before heading out of town.

Saturday we got up at our own pace and headed out. We stopped in Houston first because my cousin from Colorado was in town. We met at Red Robin and had some lunch. Bridger was still being crazy and luckily I have the most amazing husband ever and he took Bridger out and entertained him while I got to stay and chat and catch up. It was great seeing Courtney, but I feel like I didn't get enough time in, in the back of my head I was worried about Ryan and Bridger and how it was going, what B was doing, screaming? least we got a small reunion!

After lunch we headed to Ryan's cousins to pick up some baby stuff she is getting rid of. She has always been so sweet and given Bridger all kinds of goodies that her kids outgrow. Bridger has really been blessed and is overly spoiled! After some running and playing and a long wagon ride from Avery, Bridger finally got in his playtime with "friends". He had a blast and passed out without a peep! He really needed that social scene for a bit.

While at his cousins Ryan decided he had enough of the sugar ants! They have invaded our cars for the past week and were coming out from all over the truck!! He emptied out his entire truck and sprayed it with ant stuff! I was unsure if you could do worked! thank goodness!!

We didn't get the entire house packed up, but almost. I can not believe how much junk we have accumulated in just 5.5 years. We moved up to Beaumont with literally a trailer load....maybe 2. We owned a nice armoire, a futon and a bed. Now - 3 trailer trips later...we still have at least another load left in the house. This is getting to the crappy part about moving....wait....everything about moving sucks...we are now at that hard part....where all the odd things are don't know what to pack with pack or how to pack it...yea...we are there. We still have 2 boats, the corvette and the entire garage stuff to move!
We left early Sunday morning and got home to a house with NO ants and NO ants in my car! YES! What a relief, I was seriously going crazy!

We had a nice dinner with Ryan's mom and ran some errands before calling it a night. Ryan was up and outta here early Monday am. I can't wait till he isn't traveling so much again....whenever that will be!

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