

Monday, August 29, 2011

Love my baby boy

We are still doing the same thing here in Corpus. Ryan is gone working in Markahm Texas 6 days a week and its just Bridg and I during the week. I have been on a couple of interviews but still haven't heard anything. I can't believe I am starting on week 4 of being unemployed starting tomorrow.

I'm happy that I get to spend this time with Bridger. I enjoy every minute with him and I think it is amazing. I do however, like to work and like to be able to give him that daily social scene at daycare with other kids his age. He loves it too. Until I do get a job, whenever that will be, we will just be at home hanging out together!

We are working on discipline still. Bridger is constantly biting and pulling hair. Some days are better than others...but I think he is slowly starting to get the fact that, that is not OK. He is a sweetheart and just likes to rough house. Getting on the floor with him and letting him climb on you, pat you, and then pushing him down, etc he LOVES it.

Bridger is expanding his vocabulary so much. He even told me "I Love You" out of the blue. It took me a minute to understand and realize that was what he was saying. Usually he just repeats us so we know what he is saying, but it was random and right after I put him in time out. It was the sweet sound. I love that after me telling him hundreds of times a day, he finally said it!!

He is growing to be such a big boy! We went to dinner with Grandma one night and ordered him french fries as usual, but this time I decided to put some ketchup on his plate to see if he would like it. Boy did he! He picked up his french fries and dipped each bit into the ketchup. He really loved it. Since when is he old enough to do that?

We go to McDonalds often. I always get him a happy meal and I might be spoiling him in that aspect. The way his naps are timed right now, usually just 1 long one, by the time he gets up we try to get out of the house. He needs to eat and its so easy to just stop at McDonalds....get me a Dr Pepper and the boy nuggets. Im sure we will both miss those practically daily trips once I start back to work.

Grandma and I have taken him shopping several times and he is always such a good boy! I love how he is so patient with us while he just has to sit in his stroller and watch us shop. In a few years...he will be all daddy, so I soak this up as much as I can.

I stopped by a friends store last week to visit and catch up and Bridger did good for a bit....then started getting a little crazy. He tried his hardest to get that Vera Bradley luggage and pull it thru the store! I was so embarrassed, both her and the boss were very cool about it, but I was like SERIOUSLY!!! Then he had a full on tantrum once I tried to leave with him AFTER he saw the store dog, Daisy! The dog obsession came out and we had a full on screamer! Those times are tough..but he is a little guy and can only handle so much. I love to visit and catch up, but in future...I will be going by myself...or just for a few minutes. haha.

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