

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Toddler

We have been busy still setting up home. Ryan is working out of town again this week, but should return home tomorrow, and I can't wait. After being home this weekend this Bridger, my sweet baby boy completely changed! My monster suddenly turned good. Daddy being around definitely helps this toddlers attitude! I feel bad because these are a lot of changes for B too, and he can't express how he feels. He has been without daddy during the week for the past 3 weeks, we've moved houses, and he isn't attending daycare anymore. He is having a rough time adjusting. Finally this week he is acting a little bit better and I can see hints of his sweetness coming back....and I love it! Last week was a crazy tornado!

He is still talking a ton and the times that he is in a good mood, we can get him to repeat things.A couple of words he says are Grandma, cat and he says dog non stop!!! This morning he said Cheyenne and Remington....well....Remington sounded more like - "tin". It was so cute! He is learning so much....he loves exploring and this week he has really starting playing on his own, he isn't as needy. It is strange..I'm not used to having this independent toddler!

As far as the "dog" word goes, we have recently started letting the dogs inside the house in a gated area and Bridger is loving that. Every chance he gets he runs up to the gate and pets them. The entire time he says dog....when he is pitching a fit - I just tell him to go look at the dogs...and he runs to check up on them. He has so much love for them!

Grandma bought him 2 chairs last week. One is like a camp chair and the other is a soft chair...he loves them both! the camp chair is still a little too big for him...too tall...he manages to get in it and its adorable. He sits and dangles his little feet kicking them back and forth! They were wonderful gifts Grandma!!

Bridger also is getting much more daring. He tries to stand on anything he can, he is great at getting up on things, not so good at getting down. He has already managed to fall off the fireplace. I think it scared him enough and he hasn't tried to get up there again. He is in and out of his toy ottoman and now his big toy box!

His current favorite toy is a set of plastic golf clubs Grandma got him. I've never been "big" on the whole age thing listed on the toys....figured I could make a good enough decision, etc. Kids now a days are so much more advanced anyway! So, we picked up the plastic golf caddy and clubs at Walmart. He now uses the clubs as weapons...he runs around chasing me, trying to hit me with the club! Good thing they are cheap little plastic toys and don't hurt so bad. He is such a boy!!! I keep trying to teach him not to hit anyone or anything, let alone with toy clubs....he has no clue. I need to come up with a better technique. Discipline isn't something that affects this boy - I'm really trying to figure out how to show and teach him what not to do!!

Loving his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

B got a couple new chairs! Here he is in his camp chair. Its still a little big for him, but he can figure it out and get in and out of it with no problem! What a big boy!

Bridger and Mommy! My little boy is growing up so fast!!


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