

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sweet Times and ENT

Since I got my steroid shot yesterday at the doctor for all of my sickness, I could not sleep at all last night! I probably got a total of 2 hours, it was miserable. I was tossing and turning and not really sleeping, and I heard Bridger wake up at 2:45 and start talking. I turned on the video monitor and layed in bed watching him and listening to his talking turn into a singing course that consisted of "Dadadda and Nanananana" It was the cutest sound ever. He was trying to comfort himself and put himself back to sleep. He'd sit up, then love on his lovie or puppy, and it went back and forth like this the entire time all while he was singing! I actually loved that I was awake and able to watch him. He is so sweet. Finally after 30 minutes, he got tired of doing that and started crying and mommy and daddy came to the rescue, quick diaper change, bottle and back to bed. He is such a cute boy! He sure loves to talk/sing and snuggle on his lovie!!

He loves this lovie. Has to be touching him, it is so sweet!

His ENT appt was today at 2pm. I knew there was a reason why I didn't want to go alone. I was there from 2pm to 5pm. Lots of waiting around in different areas and with one VERY tired, cranky baby! It was interesting but we made it thru!! We found out that Bridger definitely needs tubes. Makes me sad that we had to wait this long to be referred to the ENT! I understand you have to have a certain amount of infections, etc. But Bridger exceeded that back in December. From the sounds of it he has had this build up of the " glue" for quite some time. Probably started back when he got his first upper respiratory infection during his first week at daycare at 7 weeks. He failed his hearing test and Dr said its like when we plug our ears with our fingers, we hear 25% less....Bridger is at 40%less. He doesn't really understand us when we talk low, he doesn't even know we are talking to him, he can't really hear it. He responds great to very LOUD sounds! It isn't permanent and it will get better with the tubes. His poor little ears are so full of fluid that, that also plays a roll in the hearing. His appointment is set for next Tuesday, March 15th. I have to go this Thursday to do paperwork, billing and registering at the hospital. It is a quick 3 minute surgery they said and after an hour or two we can take him home. Very simple procedure for them.

Playing around with my camera and sweet love

I was really nervous going into this, but I do feel better now. After learning about how much Bridger can and will benefit from it, I think it is wonderful that it is an opportunity. Doctor says he will start to talk more, no wonder he has been ignoring my constant chatter of "Say Ma- ma!" haha. He will have better balance, sleep better and just be a happier baby. He needs this and I'm excited for him to finally feel better! Poor baby has been in pain.

We did bath/bed time early tonight since Bridger didnt get his afternoon nap today. He was out by 6:30pm. He was so out, I was able to sneak in and take these photos of him sleeping. After 15 shots,I think I got a few good ones! =)

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