

Monday, March 14, 2011

Still Sick....

So Friday night we were driving down to Corpus for the weekend and Ryan started complaining about a lot of pressure in his right ear. I didn't think it could be that bad since he just started getting sick earlier that week, I thought maybe it would go away with a little Ibuprofen and he could go to the doctor Monday morning.

By the time we got to Corpus he was in tons of pain and he tried to sleep it off but wound up waking up at 3am saying he couldn't handle it. He and his mom headed to the ER while I stayed home with sleeping Bridger.

A couple hours later he got home and he found out that he had a sinus infection that led to a blister on his eardrum!! Really, how does that happen?! He said the nurse and doctors said that it was the "coolest" thing because usually it is deeper in the canal and they can't see it, but his was very "visible". I guess he felt pretty cool for a minute! =)

They said he would feel better if it would pop, but not to try to pop it. That he will be hurting for at least 4-5 days.
His face is now swollen and he isn't feeling much better, but were concerned about not having enough or the right medication to knock out the sickness, so Ryan was off today and went to he local doctor here. Turns out that he has an ear infection and the doc didn't see the blister anymore. She gave him new pain meds, and 2shots, and meds for his infection and hopefully his sinus infection wont come back. In the midst of it all, she said she will get him a referral to a Gastroenterologist...(I think that's right) for his liver. We aren't super concerned with his liver right because he got background on it last year, but it never hurts to make sure everything is ok.
Meanwhile, I am still sick and starting to feel a little bit better. I got a stronger anti Friday and it seems to be helping with the intense pain in my sinus'....but still getting headaches, etc. This medicine is pretty strong and makes me a little loopy, I don't really like it, but I have GOT to kick this sickness out! Its almost been 4 weeks! After I finish this stronger anti, I will go back and take the lesser one for the remainder of whats left. I'm hoping by then, I will be mended and feeling much better, Ryan will be feeling better and Bridger won't get sick! =)

Bridger is feeling better, still has a little temp, and grabbing his ears. Thank goodness tomorrow is the day. I'm excited to help my baby finally feel better!

We are just a little down with sickies, but we will get better and will be so excited when we are! =)

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