

Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday my Sweet Boy!

I know this is late, but I have been super busy lately and finding time to blog is becoming harder and harder.

Dear Bridger,

I can't believe that you are already 2 years old!! It is easy to understand when I see how you interact and see you enjoying your life and learning and growing each day, but it is crazy to me as I sit back and remember the day you were born. It feels like it was just yesterday I was holding this precious 6 lb 1 oz little baby boy. It was the most amazing perfect day ever. I loved every bit of it. It just feels so unreal that 2 years have already flown by. Seriously flown by.

You are such an extraordinary little boy! You keep mommy and daddy on their toes at all times. You keep everything going 100 miles an hour. We wouldn't change it for the world. You are so fun! I love seeing you learn and grown each and every day. You still bite every now and then, but we are getting better. Your temper is awful short....but its so cute when you do get so mad - we try our hardest to make you happy again. Even when you are being difficult X 100 - I still love you to pieces. I feel so so blessed that god chose me to be your mommy. I am so lucky!

Although you are a stubborn little boy - you are the sweetest also. I love when you attack me with a bazillion kisses. literally attack. I must do that to you! hehe. You give me enormous hugs and tell me you love me tooooo. I love the cute little way you tell me to "aaayy down mama" when we do our nightly routine. We sing twinkle twinkle little star every night and sometimes you make me sing it twice.You have been dragging out your routine lately trying to keep me in the room as long as you can. I love it though. I love this time with you so much! You have so much love in your heart. You are amazing. I also love how when i'm holding you, you take your hand and draw it through the back of my hair....such sweet little caresses from my pumpkin.

I am still amazed at the resemblance you and your daddy have. You guys are 2 peas in a pod. You are so in love with him. You want to spend all of your time with him and you cry when he leaves. You ask me where he is all the time. I know you guys will have such an awesome bond and relationship. I love you both.

You are currently in size 5 diaper, 18-24 month clothing with some 2T shirts. You still talk non stop and love to the attention on you. Your favorite words are no, car, cup, boat, ball, uhh-huh, puppy & blankie....oh and Shut Up. haha.  You talk in sentences and have for a long time. You ask us "what are you doing?" "Where is dada?" Or anything..... more recently it has been Why (yi?). haha. You love to get into our bed in the mornings and demand your daddy and I lay in bed with you with the tv on (even though you don't watch it). You are always asking for water - however you say cup, - except it sounds like car drawn out. We have to listen carefully. If we ask you if that is what you want and we are correct - we get the sweetest - "Uhh-huh".

You are still obsessed with playing outside. You would play outside all day everyday if you could. You are an angel at the beach, you truly love it. You are still 100% in love with boats. You point them all out everywhere we go and you love to play in them, even if we aren't going for a ride. You always say with such enthusiasm, "dares a boat dada, a boat" "seeee dada, da boat?" it is so adorable! You are so much like your daddy.

On April 28th - 1 month shy of being 2, we had to turn your crib into a toddler bed. You did so amazing!!! One week later - you learned to open doors and got up numerous times. We have fixed that issue and now we are back to napping and sleeping wonderfully!! You love your big boy bed, especially because mommy can snuggle with you too!

We have introduced the potty - which you did great for awhile, but now you have lost all interest. We aren't rushing you, whenever you are ready - we are well prepared!

I am so so happy and blessed to have you in this life. You are the best gift I could have ever recieved. You are my world and so much more. I love you SO much Bridger and can't wait to see what this new year of your life has in store for you and us! Not a day goes by that I don't feel so thankful for you and this life together. I love you to the moon and back!!

Love, your mommy.

These were all taken with my phone - not best quality - but adorable baby boy.

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