

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Being 2 years 1 month......

It seems like now that Bridger is 2 - its a whole new world! He seems happier, but I feel like he can communicate better - which will in turn make him happier right? He tells us all kinds of things and asks us questions and knows how to tell us what he wants and doesn't want. He still gets mad a throws a tantrum here and there, but I think that is more of his natural anger shining thru. ha.

He is so funny and has little quirks about him that make him even more silly. He loves going in his daddy's truck. He cries and kicks when we try to take him in my car - he points to Ryans truck and says Dada's truck. Once we are in the truck - he wants the sun roof open, or the window down. Really? You are old enough to know that you want that? I guess these are little things he and his daddy do when I'm not there - b/c he loves it and knows all to well about it.

More Recently he has learned how to get out of his straps in his car seat. The one in my care are harder to move but this one- he has down packed! Once he is tired of being in the car, or wanting out - we get this ........

Then I have to get back there with him and supervise. Which really makes him mad. Such a stubborn little boy.

Now in the mornings when he wakes, the very first thing he wants is a "nak" (snack). He whines and whines until you walk to the kitchen with him and let him pick which one he wants. Anything you show or give him, he says no - this will continue on and on...even when you run out of new is way easier to prop him up on the counter and let him choose his own "nak"....which is usually always a cereal bar. He sure is funny.

Bridger also knows who he wants to love on and when. Usually when it is just he and I - I am his best friend, he loves on me over and over again and kisses me and tells me he loves me. If Ryan is home and with us - I become chop liver. Sometimes he doesn't even want me to talk to him and yells at me if I do. What the heck? Or I try to console him and give him his blankie- nope - its gotta be daddy giving him whatever he wants. He screams more if I try. What in the world? He sure is a silly boy.

He found daddys hat one night on our bed....(now that he can get on it and off of it on his own).

Notice the shoes. This is another thing. He loves wearing his shoes.......usually crocs. They are super easy to slip on and off. He freaks out if he doesn't have them on and knows not to leave the hosue without them, but the excessive wearing with his jammies is a bit much. One afternoon I got him up from his nap- and his shows were on. seriously B?

If we go somewhere after daycare I like to go home and change him out of his "play clothes" and dress him in his nice clothes....we fight everytime. He hates changing. I dont understand. It takes 2 seconds. He also can't stand not having a shirt or shorts on. haha....strange little boy - I love him so much with all of his quirks. He is perfect.

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