

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Today Bridger and I had a shopping date with a friend of mine, Malori and her sweet baby boy, Kyler. I think that both of us go to the mall every week....if not once, than more! We love to shop, we love to get great deals and we have alot of the same taste!

I had a great time and it was fun finding cute things and catching up with girl talk. I was able to get one of my best friend some cute items for her little girl that is due Dec 26th. I also got Bridger a couple of things and I got some shoes. Shoes...again...what is wrong with me! I do not need anymore shoes and yet I still find them and purchase them. I don't try to look for any...but always wind up with some. It is usually at Dillards...I love everything about Dillards. They have amazing sales, and a huge shoe selection at great prices. I got some cute Gianni Bini flats that I justified buying with the fact that during the winter...I can't wear flip flops, and need closed toe shoes. At least I got them for a great deal at $25! My kind of shopping!

Bridger did ok, just a typical Bridger. I actually had to pull out my very last "distraction" today. I always have it on back up, but usually never have to use it. BUT we had a screaming baby boy, nothing helped, nothing distracted, nothing was working. He was embarrassing me.... Dum Dum sucker came out and was pure happiness with this sweet baby. I hate giving him these suckers, because for 1, they aren't really good for you(or his teeth!) and I don't want to always be giving in with "treats" but he also makes an entire mess of them!! Stickiness everywhere!!! At least it worked, and I don't have to do this often.

Kyler was amazing....never heard a peep from him. He is seriously one of the best behaved babies I have ever seen! he is always happy and in a good mood! Cracks me up how well he behaves...24/7, seriously! =)

Last night Katelynn and her girlfriends came over after the game and stayed the night. I enjoy having them over and crack up at the things they come up with. I'm just glad that she is willing to hang with her SIL on a weekend night!

Ryan was suppose to come home tonight, but no such luck, I was really looking forward to it, I haven't seen him in what seems like forever. I miss him and am so bummed he isn't coming home! =( This past week alone, he worked over 110 hours! That is seriously insane! Sometimes when I talk to him he says the funniest things that make NO sense at all, it confuses me...than I remember the lack of sleep......he is delirious! With the no coming home tonight, means not being off tomorrow either, just sucks! Praying this job gets done soon so we can get our daddy back!

Work is still going good, but I still haven't really adjusted. Its not that I don't like it, its not that its horrible, its just different. It just takes some getting used to. I'm not used to it yet. I'm not "loving" it yet. I like what I do, but it is all the other stuff that I'm trying to get used to. I really miss my girls from beaumont though! Work was so much fun with them and we would seriously laugh every single day, real long drawn out belly laughs! The laughing until your stomach hurts and your eyes are watering... I miss that! We email and text often, but still not the same. I'm sure I will develop relationships like that here too, but I can't help but miss that and them!! It will get better, and I'm not coming up with an ending opinion for at least another month! Than we will see!

I have also noticed I have not been taking very many pictures. Usually I take tons and only upload some of my favorites....since moving here, I rarely take pictures. I can't explain it, but its weird. I am making a promise to myself to change that! I need to document this fun time with my little one and also get back into taking video of him! He is so fun!

Can't believe tomorrow is already Sunday. Wish we had one more day! =) OHH and this morning while at Home Depot Bridger went to fuss and I caught a glimpse inside his mouth (he never willing lets me look) and saw he has some molars coming in!!! At least I think they are molars...they are way in the back, im a bit confused because I thought they came in last....he only has 6 other teeth....but maybe not or maybe im wrong and they aren't molars, BUT the teeth have pushed through the surface and are coming up! No wonder I have had a cranky butt on my hands!!

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