

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bridger at 15months

*Wears size 4 diapers
*Size 12-18 months, 18months in rompers or any other full one piece outfit
*Basically will repeat any you says when he is in the "mood"
*Grabs his little nose and breathes heavily in and out, its so cute!
*Loves to stick his tongue out and back at you
*Has recently turned to 1 nap a day, sometimes we get a lucky and get a 3 hour nap
*When you say "owie" he laughs
* Loves to rough house and has gotten in trouble in daycare for being rough with the others babies
*Obsessed with keys
*Talks about Cheyenne, his dog, numerous times a day
*Pinches when he gets very mad
*Has full on tantrums now, to where I have no idea what to do
*Throws his head back, tile or carpet. HATE THIS!!!
*2nd time getting Hand, foot & Mouth disease
*Loves to go on nightly wagon rides around the block
*Everything that nears a resemblance to a a phone to him, he even acts like he is talking on it
*Eats basically everything I give him
*LOVES pickles!
*Sits and lets me do his hair every single morning, gel, hair spray, and blow dryer!
*Is now tall enough to get his little hand around most door knobs, this next stage coming up is already giving me anxiety!
*He loves to hang upside down
*I tell him to get his water, and he searches everywhere for his sippy cup! Smart boy!
*Mocks the popping sound you can make from your mouth
*Waves bye bye with just a slight movement from the cute!
*Many words he says:Dog, Cheyenne, Grandma, Night Night, Buh(bye), Banana, Ut oh, Ta Da, No No, More, BaBa(bottle), etc
*He still drinks a bottle every night before bed.....I've tried sippies and he hates it
*He also still talks to you in his little language and really thinks he is saying something, he will talk for a good 5-10 mins with his cute lingo.
*Usually hates being put in the car seat, is good once he is there
*Still sleeping a good 12 hours a night
*Is so into watching other people, especially other kids at all times, the mall is a great place to take this boy
*Is a guys guy, he would much rather be with he boys than the women
*Is very allergic to mosquito bites
*starting to snuggle a little more

Just a "late" update on my little bug-a-boo! He is so amazing and the light of my life!!

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