

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


So today I am home with Bridger. This past weekend he hardly slept at all at night, which usually he sleeps through the night. He was fussy and just whining non stop. I figured it could be teething or maybe just a little bug he maybe got from daycare. Monday night he hardly slept! I got a total of 4 hours of sleep.....he couldn't stop crying and wanted to be held.....getting up thru the night on and off.....finally we got to bed when Daddy was getting up at 3am to get ready for work. It was rough.

When I picked him up Monday afternoon I had a note about a child in daycare having Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. My light bulb than came on....yep that's what he has. I remember from when he got in Beaumont months and months ago. They said as long as the little sores on his hands aren't "pustule" he could attend daycare. I was sad to know that he was in pain but felt a little relief that I finally knew a possibility of what it could be.

I got a call today at work in the morning. Bridgers little sores were getting worse and spreading. Luckily my work was understanding and allowed me to leave. We don't have a doctor here in Corpus yet, so I had to call all around and find someone that would take a new patient ASAP. Tomorrow we have an appt...although it is viral and there isn't anything they can give for it....I still need to get a note from doctor stating that is indeed what it is before they will let him come back.

With Bridger feeling under the weather, and starting back to work...I am kind of worn out. It was nice to have the day off today to catch up on alot of things around the house.

Daddy is still working out of town and comes home a couple days a week just for the night. We love it and enjoy getting to spend some time with him. This job should last a few more weeks and than we will see what will be next on his schedule. I am hoping something close to home.

Work is going good. I am in training and learning alot. There isn't really much except that its going! =)

Our Labor Day weekend wasn't anything big and exciting, but I really enjoyed the 3 days off. Ryan had to work thru Sunday since Monday was a holiday and they didn't want them working. My mom and I went shopping and hit up all the labor day sales Saturday and I scored on 3 new pairs of shoes! I love shopping! Ryan was lucky and got off early Sunday and headed home. We had a couple friends come over, and Katelynn and her girlfriends came and stayed again. We all stayed up entirely too late!! We got up early and got the girls some tacos and relaxed. We always love having all the girls and so does Bridger! The rest of time we spent just hanging out as a family, shopping a little and enjoying our time with Daddy!

I can't believe this week is almost over, but how wonderful! Here is my sweet boy a couple nights ago.

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