

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Relaxed Weekend

This weekend Ryan had to work a side job, so it was just Bridger and I again. Bridger has been a lot better since we have been giving him his new meds. He is really starting to cruise along things and letting go more often. I try to get him to walk to me, he takes one step than falls down. We still need a lot of balance, but he is learning so quickly!

Still holding onto that balloon string all the time!

What a cute little boy!!

We got lucky and Daddy got off early Saturday and we decided to do a little vacation wear shopping and maybe go see the Easter bunny. We got a lot of shopping done but the Easter bunny line was entirely too long, we will just have to go sometime after work this week. I am not sure that Bridger will like the Easter Bunny though. I hope I am wrong though and that he will really love the bunny!

After the mall we were headed to the Southeast Texas Fair and Rodeo. We met some friends of ours there and were a little late. We stayed till almost the end of the Rodeo - they just started riding the bulls....Bridger was extremely tired from having no afternoon nap. Sitting wasn't his best.

We walked around, tried to get food. The lines of people were crazy! Ryan did manage to get some fried Oreo's. Which were not good at all...... He liked them, but I did not like how the Oreo cookie was soft from the frying part. Ew!

We walked around the kiddie ride area and Ryan rode one with Hannah and Abigail. They are such cute little girls! By the time we finished in the kiddie area Bridger was overly done. He was screaming and throwing his body around. I felt so bad for the little guy. He was so tired he was becoming spastic. We decided it was time to head home. I wanted to walk by the animals to show Bridger, but time didn't allow. Maybe next year!
Trying to grab Daddys hat

Bridgers ears are still infected and his nose is still running badly after using the meds for almost a week. He has been running fever for a few days now. Unfortunately we can not get his custom plugs made until his ears clear up. He has a follow up this week where I'm sure we will be receiving new meds,thank goodness! I just want to get my little boy better!

Here is Bridger as a big boy now!! He is at the weight where we can turn his car seat around. He loves it!! I bought him a neck support or as they call it, a Baberoo. His poor little head falls when he falls asleep, this Baberoo will help it from falling over, and he seems to like it!

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