

Friday, August 16, 2013

Utah Trip- Day 3

We got up and jumped into our swim suits, got our boat bag ready and headed to the lake! How weird to be saying that. Ryan never thought he would be going to have fun out on a lake! I have always loved Pine view when I was a little girl. It is just seriously so gorgeous up there....something peaceful and gorgeous about mountains.

When we got out of the car, there was a bit of cloud cover and I was a little chilly! Never would that happen in Texas this time of year! ha! We headed out in boat and looked around, Bridger was loving it......Brenden my brother n law got up and skied. After that we talked Ryan into wake boarding, although I wasn't entirely convinced. He tore his meniscus to badly when he was younger, had surgery - I didn't want him to re injure his knee. He did so good! he got right up, it was like riding a bike. Old pro coming out. He was doing jumps and attempting flips...that made me nervous. I think he really enjoyed it. It had been years and year since he had done something like that.

My sister then wanted to wake board....but Ryan had switched something on the board...he jumped into the water to help my sister and bam! Just like that. His new Costa 580 glasses went in with him. HELLO! Don't you know those things are on your head...or better yet, shielding your eyes from the sun?! That is seriously his 8th pair! No joke. And he officially almost lost/broke every Christmas gift I gave him! Or that's what I thought at that moment (he since has found his ipod that was lost for months!) This man and his glass....... ugh!

My cousin and her boyfriend then called and they were walking down to the beach area so we loaded up to go meet them! My sister made some lunch and we just hung out talking. It always sucks when all your family lives so far away you cant see them all the time. We chatted for a bit and then went back out in the boat and had Brendan and Ryan tube. My sister hit a huge wake and sent them flying! Ryan still hung on...........upside down........... lol! So with that - his neck is still hurting! he is entirely too old for that! you definitely don't land as gracefully....he was beat up! We took my cousin and her boyfriend back to their condo and we headed back to load up the boat.

We got ready and headed to my other cousins wedding reception! It was at the local union station. It was in a huge room, and set up so pretty! Of course, Bridger saw this huge room as an opportunity to run his little heart out! Did I mention this was a sit down dinner?! yes. nightmare. We had already assumed he wouldn't do too hot. Ryan took him outside the majority of the time. What an awesome hubby! The food was good and it was good to see everyone. I didn't get to chat with too many for too long because of Bridger, or looking for Ryan and Bridger. Toddlers definitely take up all of your attention. Some cousins I hadn't seen since before we moved to Texas when I was 12 years old! We are all grown up now! It was fun, but for me - it was more stressful because I do have a busy body little boy. He never stops. Ever. I'm not exaggerating. Poor Ryan was so worn out. I knew I owed him big time. I wish I had more to say about it, but it was seriously stressful for the both of us and that is really what we were focused on.....I couldn't focus on much more. My cousin made a beautiful bride and it really was a nice night!
We all went home and got some great sleep!
This boy loves boats

Sweet girl

Daddy and baby


That's Ryan....

Old pro!

Hubby and I with my cousin, Courtney!
Dancing girls...
My sisters....
B dancing...

Ready for wedding....crazy child and all!


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