

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mommy is outta here!

A couple sundays ago I spent getting ready to leave to San Antonio for a few days to attend a class for pre-licensing, a job requirement at my workplace.
I wasn't prepared to leave my family for so long since I have never done it before....but it had to be done. Bridg wasn't feeling well and neither were daddy! Daddy was all in control and I wished him the best! =)

I got to San Antonio at a reasonable hour and decided to take full advantage of that time and go shop! I love how many more options there are up there and much bigger selection! I of course stopped off at my most favorite store for Bridger, Janie and Jack and got him some cute tops. I wanted a lot more, but kept it a minimal as much as possible! =) I enjoyed wondering around the mall, and actually trying stuff on myself! Which I never get to do! It was fun.

Class was Monday thru Wednesday 8-6pm, my hotel was right across the street so I just had to walk! It was great and convenient! I met a friend of a co-workers there and we talked and went to lunch together and it was so nice!

I enjoyed my little time away but missed my family like crazy! It was different and nice to just get home to the hotel, get in my jammies, crawl into the king size bed all to myself and study. No chores, no dishes, no cleaning, no nothing. It was a nice well needed break for me.

I was eager to get home to my boys wednesday after class and Ryan ended up having to stay overnight where they were working! bummer!
I got up the next morning and went to my moms to wake Bridger up!! He reached for me immediately and then started being a little stinker pot again!!

I eventually figured out it was one of his medicines causes him to be so "crazy" and out of control. Thankfully it was only for wheezing so we have since been able to stop and not use anymore! Thankgoodness! He really tested us!

Good to be home to my family!

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