

Friday, January 3, 2014

Still head strong

Today I took Bridger to the doctor for his 3 year well check (oops forgot in May) and his flu shot. 

We waited in the waiting room not long at all. But in the short amount of time he managed to embarrass me. He was being so naughty! Everyone was starting. I couldn't take him in hall because I wouldn't be able to hear them call our name over the speaker. It was almost that bad that I didn't care...but then he found a toy! Thank goodness! 

We got called back and the nurse started doing her thing. So according to all the other little boys born on the same day as Bridger- he is in the 60 percentile for weight and height! He is pretty tall but seems so skinny!  

As the nurse kept asking me the well check questions, B wouldn't sit still or stop interrupting us! He kept turning off the light......ugh. I didn't even know what to do with him. I couldn't spank him, or leave. When the doc finally came in and checked B out- he was at the height of his naughtiness. The doctor actually got onto him several times. He said he is too young to test for ADHD, but sounded like he thought he was. He said it seems like we have lost parental control. We need to  figure out something that means a lot to him and use that to our advantage. (We've got nothing on that)
He also said he needs structure and consistency. Which I think is a huge deal. He isn't with us for 10 hours a day. A lot can be different in those 10 hours. Especially with other children around. He definitely isn't getting consistency. He gave us some ideas to use for nap time since Bridger is refusing naps.
The doctor could tell I was completely at witts end with this. I'm exhausted. By the end of it,the doc recommended me a book and a behavioral physiologist. And he wants to know if it gets worse. Geez. It really is a big deal and I'm not going crazy. We really do have a wild crazy rebellious toddler. 

The nurse came and gave Bridger his shot and he didn't even cry! He was more upset that it hurt becuse he wasn't expecting that. Then as we were walking out he was limping. Haha. funny little boy. 

I guess we need to get Bridger into some sport. Something to help with all the energy. See how that goes then make some other decisions. We have a lot going on with changes for him......hopefully the stress level doesn't get to crazy. 

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