

Monday, March 23, 2015

Beckett Ryker Harris

I cannot believe I haven't kept up this year like I thought I would! Beckett is already here!!

At 38 weeks I went to my doctor appointment and she she stripped my membranes....Beckett was already stationed at a 0 and I was dilated to a 2. He was basically locked and loaded and ready to go! He was so far down in the birth canal it even hurt to walk. Doctor decided to strip my membranes and told me to come in the next day with cramps, since it was her last day on call. I was so worried that meant they would just send me home because I remember having to go thru the triage room with Bridger waiting to see if I was in active labor when clearly I wasn't with Beckett. We did like the doctor said and went to the ER the next morning around 9. We got right in and they took us to a room and did all the questioning and monitoring and the nurse said doctor probably wouldn't keep me. About 15 mins later she came in and said I was being admitted!

I felt like my entire pregnancy flew by, and suddenly we were going to have a baby!! It did not feel like it should be time already but I was so excited and so scared ( of the pain) they broke my water then hooked me up to pitocin and the entire labor was 5 hours!! It went so fast it was crazy. When I started feeling the contractions it's when I was like oh nooo and everything came back to me from Bridgers birth where I had to sit thru those contractions for 2 hours waiting to see if I was in fact in labor!! Ahhhh!! They were about 5 mins apart when I asked for the epidural. I my epidural at 330 and was dilated to a 5. At 450ish Ryan was walking his mom out and I was so uncomfortable and I couldn't figure out how because the epidural was so strong that I couldn't even feel my legs it even move them just a little bit, the nurse suddenly was like we have to check you, and said oh no! Don't push! His head is right there ready to slide right out! Hahaha! I was so confused because with bridger I felt the urge to push, this time I had no idea, just the fact that I was so uncomfortable. I was texting and calling Ryan to hurry back! The doctor and Ryan came in at the exact time and they literally were ready so fast! I had 2 contractions and Beckett was out!! It all happened so fast! And I felt hardly no pain. It was awesome!

They had guesses how big he was, and I just couldn't get over the fact that he was here and just so beautiful!! I saw so much of bridger in him and yet he also looked so different! He has these rolls on his thighs and huge cheeks!!! I thought the doctor was crazy when she told me I would have a 8 lb baby full term since bridger was barely 6 lb 1 oz at 39 weeks. I had Beckett at 38 weeks, and doctor still was right....she had guessed under!

Beckett arrived on 2/25/15 at 5:05pm weighing 8 lbs 3 oz and 20.5 inches long!! Definitely bigger baby then bridger! I got to have some sweet snuggles then they took him off to clean up and do all the things they needed to do. I don't remember them doing that with Bridger.

We got moved to our post partum room that night and it was rough. Nurses were horrible, everything about it was bad. We had Memaw, Grandma, Gene and my boss come by before we were finally released to leave at 5pm! 24 hours after birth. I couldn't be more excited to get out of there and get home and be comfortable. And take a shower.

Once we got home we had more company and it was nice having people there.... Beckett nursed from the first few moments after birth and continued to do so great! I am so lucky I didn't have issues with it! This boy loves to eat!!!

Welcome Beckett!!! We are so blessed and so excited to have you finally here with us!!! I am so in love!!! 

Chunky arms

Going home

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