

Friday, October 3, 2014

Catching up!

I seriously cannot believe how long it has been since I have updated this blog. I used to be so good at keeping it updated. I do plan on keeping it updated when this 2nd baby comes along! So much to blog about then. Now I feel like we are always on the run and not entirely too much to stop and updated about.


So what have we been up to lately?!

Bridger started Pre-K at the Southside Montessori school. I was so nervous because of his past behavior and we didn’t  really have his medications where they needed to be at the time, but I really loved the concept of the individual learning process. He started back in August and we can now say that he really loves school. He talks about it and how much he likes going. He is learning so much. I am so proud of him and proud that he actually enjoys going and embraces it with open arms. We are STILL trying to figure out his meds and have a specialist appt this week, but he still has some “meltdowns” as we call them, weekly. His teacher is amazing and is working with him so well! I don’t know if we would’ve lasted this long without her. She is perfect for him. She has said that he is getting better, so that is always a good sign.

1st day

Loves his puzzles

Even took a Nap!

We are now at 18 weeks pregnant! Almost half way! I seriously can’t believe it. It is flying by. This pregnancy is definitely different then Bridgers. I have some different pains and my sciatic is always bothering me and it can be painful at times. I experience my first ever Charlie horse the other morning and it seriously left me in tears. That was so miserable!! It is fun being pregnant with all my girlfriends! Four of us were all 10 weeks apart and actually another friend of mine just told me she was preggo, she might be 10-14 weeks behind me…..we aren’t sure yet…. AND, all of us are having BOYS! And 2 other people at work that are pregnant are having boys. How crazy is that!?!

So freaky yet cool!

Baby Boy!

13 weeks

We went for a 4d sonogram at 16 weeks because Ryan was dying to know. He really wanted a girl. Bridger was sure that it was a girl and didn’t want anyone telling him differently. I – was scared of either or so I didn’t care. Lol. Sonogram shows it’s a boy! I have my anatomy one at doctors office in 2 weeks, but there is no denying it’s a boy! I am super excited and of course already started shopping for my new little one. Ryan mentioned maybe having 3 now….trying for that girl…..but we will definitely wait and see on that one!!!!

We also took Bridger to Seaworld for the first time at the end of the summer. We first went to aquatica park and he LOVED it. I rode one water ride, and sat at the pool the rest of the time. It was a huge park and definitely need to do for the entire day! Bridg was really upset when we made him to leave to go see some shows at the seaworld park. We watched quite a few shows, Bridger loves Shamu the most and even asked Ryan if we could buy one for home. He’s so cute! We ate…..and it was hot as hot could be! And I was more miserable because I was pregnant and in my first trimester…….ugh! We were exhausted by the time we finished. We drove to our hotel on the riverwalk, showered up and were dying to eat. Everyone on the riverwalk had a 45 mins wait, which wouldn’t work for our 4 year old at 10pm after a full day at Seaworld. We went back to the hotel and ate dinner with Katelynn and her boyfriend while everyone else went to bed. We got up the next morning with Ryans brother and his family and we went to see his grandma. It was nice visiting her. We then went to the outlets and shopped. It was hot. We were still tired from seaworld. And it was so packed. We bought very few things and called it day. We were all so pooped after that vacation!

He Learned how to hold his breath! and cover 1 ear. haha

Watching shows at Seaworld

Sweet Love, Loved Seaworld!

Touching Stingrays

Auntie Kate and I

Aquatica was his FAVORITE!

Oh, and we got a new car. We got it the day before we left to Seaworld. Perfect timing for all 6 of us to fit. We had a Yukon, the shorty and I LOVED it. We had it maybe 1.5 years…not long at all. I really wanted another vehicle because of some of the pros to it, but we were trying to wait for the new model to be “used” because we just don’t buy brand new. In all this talk and discussion Ryan really brought it to my attention that these vehicles were just not big enough for us. We always have extra stuff, trying to fit, family vacations, kids friends……and I told him I would consider looking bigger. Not long after, I come home to a newly bought vehicle. A Cadillac Escalade ESV  - which is just like a suburban. Big. I love it, but it has taken me a little while to get used to is being so big. But he was right, we needed it with the new baby coming, stollers, etc. We still have my car and desperately need to sell it so we can stop paying 2 car notes! Ouch!! Hopefully we won’t be buying any more vehicles for awhile!

Love it

Been decorating for Halloween……

bad pic

love these!

some fun on the porch

Got a new table because we gave ours to Katelynn when she moved to College Station for school…we love this one!


Went on a work retreat…..We went to Canyon Lake this year. Definitely much different then last year. Not drinking, no walking long. Haha. We basically drove 3 hours one way for not much. At least we were out of work. We had a great speaker at the meeting so that was a plus as well.

2014 - 26 weeks, 16 weeks, 34 weeks preggo


Went to one of my good friends baby showers….shes almost due! Halloween!!

Celebration for baby Benny!

Our other friend that was right in long with all of us (all 10 weeks apart) had her baby boy!!!

11 weeks, 21 weeks, 29 weeks, 39 Weeks - she gave birth like the next day. =)

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