

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Awhile back we started taking Bridger to the psychologist that our pediatrician recommended.  This all started after Bridger got kicked out of Preschool. They have been evaluating him each time we bring him in and looking at everything for us to try to help us with him.

Us, his parent think that he is fine and just a bit hyper. We also have been dealing with this his whole life, so we dont know anything different. However - we both do realize there is an issue when it came to school. He couldn’t follow directions or listen or even keep his hands to himself.

After the evaluations they called Ryan and I in for a formal diagnosis. They typed everything up for us and also let us see his answers to some questions that they asked. Some of his answers were so funny and some were cute and some were sad. He talked a lot about being kicked out of school.

Turns out he does in fact have ADHD. He actually scored a 87%. Which is above average for kids his age. So he really has it. Are we surprised, no. We already expected it anyway. They also said he has some anxiety. At this time we are not choosing so give him medication. However down the road when he is in school it might be different and we are fully aware of that and know that we will find out as much as we can about medication when it comes to that point. As for now – we will not pursue medication. I am faced with the decision of what to do about school. He is supposed to be starting Pre-K in the fall. I know not all kids have to do the same thing and there is no right or wrong choice. To each their own. But I do feel like he needs to be in school and learning and that he is falling behind. I am torn between attempting to change his environment again to pray it hopefully works and have the possibility of getting kicked out again, or keeping him where he is and working with him and waiting till kidner. Where – again – do I put him in public or Montessori. We have a bunch more things to figure out and decide, but it is in fact ADHD and we know that dealing with him isn’t going to be like dealing with a regular child who listens and gets it the first time. We are ok with it. We just want to do what is best for him and discipline, teach, show, and advise what is best for him and his type of behavior.

We will go to our first behavioral appointment next week. He will help us with ways of dealing with Bridger that will in fact help us help him. We just have to go about things differently for him. And we want to if that is what it takes. We will do anything. We want him to succeed and strive. We don’t want him to struggle or constantly feel like he is always in trouble because he cant sit still or cant focus for longer then 2 seconds. We just need to learn ways with him and I hope we will learn everything we possibly can. Cant wait for our first apt.

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