

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

1 week of Preschool

We finished out the week of preschool with a bang! Bridger did great! Of course the beginning is always hard because it is a big change. Kids love their routine. Always takes them awhile to adjust.

He didn't nap the first couple of days, but by Wednesday he was napping and doing much better. The hardest part  for him is keeping his hands to himself. They are working on it. He really likes it and I love that I can log onto my phone and check him out all day long. They are very very routine and my little man is doing well! I think he loves it! last week they learned the letter "O" and today I asked him what letter he learned and he said "P". I really think this is what he needed. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I'm so proud of him!!! I know we will have some hard days, but I think this fit is just perfect for him right now! I can totally do a happy dance!!! =)

My love......
"O" is for Octopus

Breakfast at IHOP

So tired after day 2 of preschool

Even after daddy brought him in

After day 3 of preschool!

I can watch my baby all day!!

Snuggles for daddy

Finding "gold"

His new lego men

pretty baby!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Lingerie shower

Some girlfriends and I threw a lingerie shower for our friend, Nicole. I was a little sluggish for whole after staying out all night for Brent's wedding.....but luckily it wasn't until 5pm.

I spent a lot of time crafting and getting things out together....I love it! I truly enjoy sitting down and crafting these things....I just get in my zone and the ideas start. I had a freaking blast making stuff for her wedding! 

I went to my friends house at 3 and we were rushing to get things ready, put together and in place. We just did finger foods. And were done just in time. I think Nicole enjoyed it all, I know I did! 

I'm so excited and happy for her! 3 weeks until her wedding! So fun!!! 

Bride with her hostess'

Not so cute cake. =/

Bride and her momma!

Her sister-n-laws

Keepin it classy! =)


Mason Jar glasses

Custom chocolates

Pretty Candy

Brent gets married!!!

One of our good friends got married this last weekend. He is such a funny sweet guy. He is a really good long time family friend of Ryan's family. His bride is Summer and she is a veterinarian. They are such a sweet couple and we couldn't be happier for them.

The wedding was a "beach" type wedding. But of course.....the weather was not the best. The wind decided to pick up last minute and it was freezing! It was the quickest ceremony ever and for that reason of it freezing we were all happy. Haha. Poor Summer had to be freezing in her wedding dress. Luckily it was quick and everyone got to rush in and warm up inside. Reception was inside/outside.....but we all hovered the bar.  lol.

We had a great time with family and friends. We stayed out way to late....but it was so fun!!! Great night for sure!
Congrats Brent and Summer!!!
Best wishes!

Brent & Summer

Malori and I

My hunny and I

The girls

Ryans cousin, Jenny

Lexi and I


Love this!

Jc and Lexi

Another Bathroom pic

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Someone started Preschool yesterday!!!!

He was shy at first and didn't wan to get down and play, but I finally got him relaxed by sitting down with him to play with some blocks. Daddy went to the hallway so Bridger wouldn't freak out too bad. Haha. He is such a daddy's boy. I felt so sad for him all morning, he is old enough to know he is the "new" kid.....that has to be hard. We picked him up after work and she said he did go, there were only a few incidents that were quickly corrected. However - he did NOT like carpet time. But poor B doesn't like sitting still ever! He was cranky when we picked him up so I'm assuming he didn't have a nap, or a good nap. Last night when we finally laid down together he started telling us about his day. He said "Daddy, I learned G and P today" awww!! Smart Boy.

When I laid down with him in his room, he counted for me, told me some letters and about his day. It was adorable. Sounded like he had a great day! He was out in no time.

So this morning when I dropped him off, it went better. I got the log on information to watch him from my iPhone. I got logged on around 10 and it was carpet time and little man was not having it. The only one in the group not participating. ERRR. I watched on and off for awhile....he was horrible!!! All the kids left the room - I'm assuming maybe recess and other activities? He stayed in the room for over an hour with the teacher! Running from the teacher if she would walk up to him....then he tried hitting her.... I was so beside myself! I am mortified by his behavior. I wanted to call so bad, but then what would I say? What could I do? Lunch time came around 1130 and he seemed to be doing much better, eating and being a good boy. Then it was nap time. He helped pull out the little cots they have, but then nap time was from 12-2 and my little one decided it was time to party. He didn't nap but instead talked to the teacher. EEK! he needs his naps. Someone will be moody tonight.

I just checked on him again and he is playing. I sure hope tomorrow goes better.....and they can break thru to him...without going crazy first. fingers crossed. He needs school.

Birthday Fun!

This year for my birthday we decided to do a quick little trip to SA. At first we were going with some friends, but then we had to it was just the hubby and I.

We have been so good and budgeting this year. One of our goals! To not just spend, spend spend. We are budgeting and so far its working pretty good! So this trip was for my birthday - so shopping of course!!

Some friends of ours were already up there and wanted to meet us for dinner. I left work early Friday, got Bridger all packed up and dropped off to his Memaw and we headed out. We were planning on staying all weekend, so friday night we decided to just get a hotel close by to where our friends were staying. We booked it and I freshened up really quick and we met them at their hotel. We decided to go eat at Fogo de Chao - had heard some great things about it, but never been.
It was amazing!! Too much food for me to eat - but so delish. We started with the salad bar and when we were ready we had these little cards that you turn over from red to green. Green means the meat will start pouring onto your plate. The guys come out with it on sticks (Swords) whatever they are called and slice you a piece. There are so many different kinds I couldn't even keep up. I didn't taste them all and I definitely couldn't remember what they were all called. Once you turned your card back over to red, they stopped coming. It was really nice. They even brought me a happy birthday slice of cheesecake. Definitely worth trying and a fun experience!

Afterwards we went to the local Saloon! It was a huge country bar that was packed but it was so big, it was awesome! Live band that was really good and just a good time. We stayed out entirely too late. The next morning we were off to a really late start. Ryan wasn't feeling to hot and I just felt blah. We left the hotel and were on the road by 11.

We shopped at the outlets till about 4:30. A good solid 4 hour shopping trip is always good! We had so much fun shopping together. But we always do. Ryan can be the best shopping partner! We spent entirely way too much money, but it was so fun. We ended up getting Katelynn her birthday gift since her birthday is this friday. And because of what it was, it was a extremely late graduation gift/birthday gift. After that purchase and mine matching - we were exhausted, realize we spent so much money and decided to drive home. We could have stayed but we were both tired and would've gotton up in the morning and headed home anyway.

On the way in we decided to stop and eat one last meal before we got our crazy toddler back. We called Katelynn and asked if she wanted to join us. We stopped at Takenewia - one of our favorites!
She was SO excited when we gave her, her gift. =)

We got done with dinner, picked up B and headed home. We had a great little getaway together and really enjoyed ourselves. We always miss Bridger, but we really enjoy the alone time as well.

Fogo De Chao

Thirsty Horse Saloon

Malori and I

Fun Night


Shoes we bought for Katelynn.....and I got a matching pair! =) LOVE!

Im seriously obsessed with nautical clothing

A wrench and donut holes....

shopping some more with mommy - passed out! this NEVER happens