Friday Ryan worked at the shop. His friend called him to go fishing so a few of them did that. Bridger and I went by and saw him for a bit and then went to Target. We took our time walking around, while the entire time he is telling me, "I want to go home, Mom". I kept telling him I would buy him a toy if he would be good and let me hurry and finish. Bad - I know. I had to get cards. Lots of them. We have TONS of May birthdays and May events. It took me awhile. While I was browsing thru cards, Bridger was playing with my phone, at one point a couple walked by and were talking- Bridger started mocking them. Ohmygosh! ha! The lady next to me chuckled, thank goodness. We were finished - but not before we went to the toy section and got him some more legos. His favorite. I got on my phone for something, and I found these gems, just a few out of a ton! Bridger was taking selfies while shopping at Target! haha! I was laughing so hard. My baby cracks me up. Who taught him this!?!

I went home and cleaned. I finally got my shoe room cleaned. It rarely ever looks like this.

I started picking up Ryans thousands of clothes. Somewhere in the last few months he started piling his clothes everywhere! I mean everywhere! He changes 5 times a day and has so much laundry, he usually does it himself. However- he never puts it away! Men. So - I was being a nice wifey and folding his laundry and putting it away (LOL) and I have boxes and boxes of frames sitting next me. I decided it was finally time to put them up on the wall up the stairs like I have been wanting to do forever. I didn't think I could do it by myself, but I was tired of waiting for Ryan. So I started - and this turned into a whole night adventure. I was almost done, standing on the chair at the landing and I lost my balance. Down I went. I was watching myself fall. It wasn't a quick - oh it caught me by surprise. No it was a slow motion fall like they show on TV or something. I knew I was going down. It was a bar height chair and a small area. My shoulder and head hit the wall. I sat there for a bit. My foot was throbbing and my hand was killing me. Ryan walked in right after. He had to help me up - I was like please don't let anything hurt badly - I'm going on vacay!!!! This was 2am. I think that was my sign to be done. It turned out great though, or I think. I like it for now - I'm sure my mind will change again sooner rather than later.

I woke up Saturday morning to a badly bruised foot, thigh and palm of my hand that was also swollen. By Saturday night my entire arm was killing me where I couldn't even us it. It just felt really badly bruised. You couldn't see one, but it hurt like hell. I'm slowly recouping - however I was unable to do the floor exercises this morning during Insanity. Hopefully it won't last too long.
Saturday was fore casted to rain. But it was beautiful! We ran errands, attempted my list to do of things, left the house again, did my list again. I did get some stuff done though! I went shopping by myself and daddy and Bridger hung out and blew some bubbles. They are so sweet.
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