We are definitely nearing the 3 year old stage. Over the last month I can see a huge difference in Bridger. I am not sure what the terrible 3's are just yet. Maybe we have experienced them before like I thought, maybe not. I would imagine more talking back and arguing? We have plenty of that! But this is different. He is so obsessed with Monster, Inc. He asks to watch it every single day, multiple times a day! After it is finished, he asks to watch it again. Really? Not only does he ask to watch it, but he will sit thru almost the entire movie. He gets up and walks around a little bit, but mainly hangs out and watches it. It is so funny and such a huge sign of a big 3 year old! We aren't used to it.
If he wants something he asks, but if we don't answer him right away either because we didn't really hear him or on purpose so he will ask nicely, he stops and asks again nicely! =) "Pwease Mom, Pwease?" It is so cute. He knows what manners are and uses them for the most part.
Now when I am trying to correct him on something I get eye level with him and ask him to look at me over and over again until he does, and he listens and usually straightens up - depending on what it is, or how tired he is. He is getting better at saying "yes mam" when I ask him to stop doing something or if he understands.
However, he is still Mr. stubborn. He still refuses to tell us his colors or count! What?! His 2 year old friend knows his colors, can count to 10 and knows his ABC's. Not my little man. He counts, but he starts at 4 and ends at 8. ha! He tells us his colors half the time. Just last week I thought to ask him his animal sounds and he did all of them, thankfully! I guess we just have to catch him at the right time.
He has done wonderful in his new bed. He fell out one time and I felt SO horrible. I literally wanted to cry with him. I pictured him falling out and it abruptly waking him up and him being so scared. His bed it pretty high. My poor boy. We now put a big body pillow on the edge and pull the blankets up (as if we are tucking it in too!) It helps and he hasn't fallen out. Thankfully.
At night he has not wanted to go to bed. I am not sure where this came from, but it makes it hard for this momma! I don't want to fight with him and really he is so sweet! He sits down and isn't rowdy or making messes around the house. He wants to snuggle and sit with me. Its so sweet that I don't really enforce bedtime till I go to bed. Luckily thats pretty early....but still. Especially because on the weekends he doesn't want to take naps! He is just a little party animal. He takes after his momma and wanting to stay up late. My mom and I are both the same, we can stay up so late just doing whatever. Thats my little Bridg!
Bridger also is getting even better with his words. I think he has a lisp. Haha, it is cute. He tries to say every single word we say. He repeats it all and he will listen to your story to someone else and an hour later tell you the same story with such enthusiasm! It is so funny! He has been saying a bad word.....I say "dang it" alot. but I used to let "damnit" slip. well, I guess that's the word he held onto. Drives me crazy because he says it all the time. I can't correct him because if he knows he can't say it, he will say it times a 100. Just like the word shut up ended like. He STILL says it to this day! I usually repeat, dang it? he says yea. LOL I have to correct this one somehow.
He is absolutely obsessed with asking "Are you Happy?" over and over again. it is the funniest thing, but we get tired of answering him. Even when he is being naughty he asks and we say no we are not happy and he asks "are you sad?" we say yes and he says "because I'm being bad?" hahaha! Smart little boy he is. We tell him no, because you aren't listening to your mommy and daddy. He apologizes and asks again, "are you happy now?"
He is so funny and he lights up my world! I love him to pieces!
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