- He is currently in size 3 diapers
- He wears 6-9 month clothing, but is still in many of his 3-6 month bottoms
- He wears a size 3 shoe, but only because his feet are so wide we need a bigger shoe to fit! They should make wide fit for babies! hehe!
- While home with us he still takes his morning nap of 2 hours, afternoons are tricky but we usually can get another 2 hour nap out of him, daycare gets 30 mins if they are lucky.
- He loves his "lovie" and falls asleep with it every night!
- He has been crawling for a month now and has really picked up speed
- Bridger loves doors. He loves to swing them open, then close, over and over again. They never "close" and I always watch closely
- He has finally started imitating us! He has never had any desire and now he will stick his tongue out when we do. It is so cute to watch
- Bridger has started making the most hilarious sound - it sounds like an old man hacking/clearing his throat. He does it constantly and is very focused when he does it. I am not quite sure what it means or why he does it
- He still puts his arms over his face when he is tired and sleepy, which I find way adorable!
- Bridger now walks along anything and everything he can. He often holds on with only one hand and he has great balance!
- He is always using his "pincher's" in motion like he is picking something up. He practices all day! It is so cute!
- Bridger currently speaks, "da da da da da da" and "na na na na na" still no mama, but I absolutely love hearing just these "words" as well!
- Since he is always on the go and such a busy body- he runs into everything because he is looking elsewhere. We have had several accident reports written up at daycare
- He is already the mean boy - he pushes down his little friend Emily at daycare and pulls her hair! Maybe he is flirting already?!?
- He still loves bath time and likes to takes baths with daddy. We hardly ever have a dry floor after Bridger is done with his bath. He is wild and I think its perfect!
- When Bridger is into something and we tell him "no, no" he turns and looks at us and smiles big and continues on with what he is into. He is still little and doesnt understand, but it also doesnt hurt to get the word "no" out there when its associated to getting into garbage cans, outlets(even with them protected), and other little things here and there that could hurt him. He obviously thinks its a game, he is so precious!
- Currently Bridger is drinking 5- 7ounce bottles a day, 3 jars of baby food, 1-2 cups of whatever lunch daycare makes that day(spaghetti, macaroni & Cheese, noodles) and many many snacks. He is known at daycare as one to never turn down food. Where does he store it all?!?
- He still sleeps thru the night, 7pm-7am. Of course we have off nights, but this is the norm
- Bridger loves balls, keys, cords, my necklaces and anything that makes loud noise!
- He is his fathers child, no doubt. We take him out to eat and he sits in the highchair constantly turning his head back and forth watching EVERYbody and EVERYthing that is going on around him, and he doesn't stop but to take a bite of food. He is a "rubber necker" just like daddy! I often wonder what he is thinking about it all
- Mornings are my most favorite time with him. He is ALWAYS in the best of moods, he smiles, laughs, talks, and snuggles(for a tiny bit). If he had a bottle in the early am hours, when he wakes up for the day, he takes the bottle and runs it across the crib rails, I'm not sure if its to get our attention or just to...well.......make noise. He can play and entertain himself for a good 2 hours, loving everything. It is the sweetest thing to watch and join in on.
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This picture is so cute, he was smiling in his sleep and I just happen to catch it!! |
- The best thing ever is that Bridger absolutely ADORES his daddy! When Ryan gets home from work, Bridger crawls to him as fast as he can and will not let Ryan put him down for as long as he can hold on. Ryan plays with him and takes him around the house doing the things he needs to get done. It melts my heart to see how much love they have for each other and I just know they are going to be the best of friends.
Daddy and Bridger
Wanted Daddy to snuggle him to sleep this night!
This is how Bridger cries and freaks out now. His head pulls back in a dramatic way, then he just lets it fall and makes his shoulders "shudder" with his cries. It is so adorable.
Mommy and baby Bridger back on Thanksgiving. I can't believe how much he has grown since then
I cleaned out and started organizing Bridgers clothes for storage. This is all of his clothes under 6 months. This boy has been blessed with so many clothes that are still in great condition. Maybe for us one day if we have another boy, maybe for some friends, and if not - I'll eventually give them away. For now, I cant help but save them all.
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