So we found this bed on Craigslist and Ryan went and checked it out and said it was pretty good. The price was a steal. Considering what they were asking was just around price of just the stairs! I figured we could paint it and make it "boy" like and make him a big boy room. I was never crazy sold on bunk beds, but probably just because our house isn't big enough now. We don't have room for stuff! We are outgrowing so quickly!!
We end up getting this bed. It's more beat up then I thought. But still worth the cheap price and I was painting it a color we could never get. We were making it our own. We moved it to Bridgers room tonight and holy moly! It is wayyyyy to big. It is ginormous!!! Like seriously doesn't leave lots of extra room in his room. Plus the way his room is set up with things like doors and windows. It's so awkward and hard to place furniture. We have LOTS of rearranging and organizing to do before I am happy with it, but here it is. It's gonna have to work while we continue to save and try to get where we want for that huge house lol
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