Ryan worked late almost every day last week. For me, it was torture. Bridger is going thru a stage right now that he is fighting full force and being 3! Talking back, not listening, just doing everything imaginable to fight with me. So with Ryan gone, I was exhausted.
Finally by Thursday he seemed ok when I picked him up. His hair was SO long I decided it was time to go get it cut. It wasn't busy (thankfully) but the lady wanted to do it in her chair and not the kid chairs. It took some convincing and B finally was ok with it! He was such a big boy! He did so so good. He sat still and let her cut his hair which in fact went super quick when he actually holds still. Now I see his beautiful big blue eyes! I love his hair short!
We met daddy to hang out finally.......we were trying to decide what to eat for dinner when he got a call from a friend that was coming to pick up his boat that Ryan did. Not much of a warning but Ryan had to leave again. He felt so bad - he pit stopped at Marble Slab. Bridger was so happy! We got some ice cream and ate a little bit before Bridg was ready to leave. Daddy dropped us off at home and it was just Mommy and B the rest of the night.
I made Edamame and Bridger was loving it SO much. It was cracking me up. Once I taught him how to get the beans out himself, he was in hog heaven. One little carton was not enough for the both of us. He was eating them all up! When I went to the store this weekend I bought us a ton more....which he asks daily to eat them. At least its healthy and at least I'm getting him to eat something.
Friday I got off work early. Originally we had a boat to take to Austin, but it didn't work out. I wasn't going to give up all that time I made up already so I left at 12 with some friends and met a couple more for some lunch....Sushi!!! It was great. We always try to grab sushi once a week. We then went shopping for a bit afterwards.....I was tired though after that - Most dumbest thing ever...... I was laughing so hard at a joke Friday (those auto correct jokes) that i pinched my sciatic nerve!!! again! it hurt immediately. After doing all that shopping it was in pain. It didn't feel as bad as I did it the last time, but it hurt. Seriously though - from laughing? who does that?
I met Ryan at Chilis for a drink and ran some errands with him. We got B and went to the mall....Bridger was all about Santa and wanted to see him. I went and grabbed a Christmas shirt real quick thinking he would see Santa.....but no. Full on screaming...he wanted no part of it. Looks like it is another year with no Santa pictures. =(
Saturday we ran errands but mainly stayed home and cleaned and ironed.....Which in turn, killed my back... Daddy and B roasted marshmallows...Bridger loved it.
By Sunday Ryan got a call out for work. It was just B and me and my back hurt SO bad. Bridger kept testing my patience and being so naughty. I had to get out of the house for bit. We ran to Dillard's to get a couple shirts and then headed back home....i put him down for a nice long nap and I relaxed. I needed it. My back feels better today - I of course didn't work out....which is killing me. But there is no way....this is like a 2 week recovery. I am going to go crazy waiting that long to work out....we will see.
This is a short week for Thanksgiving and I am super excited.
Being a big boy |
Ill help you baby |
Loving it |
Love my baby |
<3 |
"Mom, I have to go get the ninja turtles" |
Cozy cold Saturday afternoon |
Obsession with new gloves mommy bought him |
Serious addiction to edamame |
Every night he wants "beans" as he calls them |
Such a big personality |
Funny boy.... |
and my sweet sweet boy |
and my sleeping angel boy.... i just want to snuggle him... |
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