We did not make any plans! How crazy for us. Especially no plans to go out in the boat....that is almost unheard of from us!
Ryan was trying to get out of his shop and I was just tired from this past month at work. I was mentally exhausted. Probably why I hardly blogged at all either. It was draining. I was looking forward to cleaning my house and crafting. Omgosh! I sound so old!
Friday when I got off work I met my girlfriend at the craft store and we picked up all the goodies that we wanted to craft. Afterwards we just relaxed at home. Nothing too exciting. Ryan has gone to the Dr earlier that day and he was told that he had pneumonia! perfect. Good thing we didn't have plans.
I stayed up and tried making a burlap wreath from the wire wreath....it is way to thin and skinny - I definitely like the thicker look better! but I made it - and it hangs here for now...I stuck some leopard print ribbon thru it....
Saturday I woke up and rushed to get ready. I had a bridal shower to attend! It was real nice and she got some beautiful things! She actually takes our pictures...well....when we actually take them. We are overly due, but its hard with a bouncy 3 year old! Anyway - she is also my bosses niece! I spent a few hours over there before heading back. Ryan had Bridger so I quickly ran some errands. We put B down for a nap and did a little shopping when he got up. We also went to the Doctor AGAIN! Ryan was moving stuff from his shop when a huge A-Frame metal piece swung around and hit his elbow really hard. it looked horrible!! We went to get xrays - and thankfully - all was good!!!
Waiting at Dr Office with Daddy |
love him |
We ran by the meat market - and a friend of Ryans came over, they cooked some yummy steaks and watched some football. A little bit later one of my friends and her fiancé came by. I noticed some red bumps on Bridg, but didn't think much of it. He was outside playing so I thought he could've gotten bit easily or something. We went to bed kinda late (for us) and found out the next morning - we went to bed with the garage still open!!! Seriously? We were so exhausted and we just didn't think of the garage being open since we usually always close it. We don't even lock the door to the house from the garage....does anyone actually??? yea, good thing we live in a good neighborhood!! haha! good grief!
Sunday we woke up to Bridger crying at our bed....usually he is in our bed....or trying to climb in the bed. He was sitting on the floor just crying! He said he couldn't walk. We didn't think anything and put him on the bed. I looked to see his spots that I remember he had from the night before and they had spread even more. He was still whining about his leg hurting and not being able to walk. Bridger never cries to just cry over a "owie" he is a pretty hard kid....he can take a lot. We rarely hear him fuss over getting hurt. He ran into the fireplace the nice before and hit his leg on the tile pretty hard - didn't even cry- we thought that maybe that was why he was fussing that morning. I told Ryan we better just call the Doc and get an appt since Monday was a holiday. Why not go to the Doctor for a 3rd day in a row!
We got to the appt and Bridger still refused to walk and was in pain when we moved him. He sat the entire time! Everyone that knows my little man, knows this is a huge deal!!! huge! The Doctor basically said the bumps looked like it was a virus. I remembered he had this once before...at the end of the virus these bumps popped out everywhere! Then they got to moving his legs and we quickly found out it was his hip. He was screaming bloody murder. My poor baby was in so much pain!! He never cries and he was miserable. The doctor told us what she thought it was - an infection in the hip and we were to go to the hospital immediately. Really? I almost started crying immediately. Not because I thought he was seriously hurt - but I was more like, not my sweet baby!! No hospitals!
Waiting for Doctor |
We left there and went straight to the children's hospital. right next door! Bridger begged us to put him in his stroller! Hello!!! Crazy! Again! My child....in the stroller?! Whatever you say baby! We went in and had to go thru admitting...it took awhile, got his sweet little wrist bracelet saying he was a "patient" there. =/ Headed upstairs to give blood. He was not happy with what she was preparing. The minute she stuck him, he lost it. It was the saddest look ever! Like she just totally betrayed him. It took everything I had not to cry. A tear might of slipped. It was so hard seeing him so upset. We left quickly and he got "bandaged" up.
We headed upstairs to Xrays and this was hard. Ryan had to hold him down, while I waited behind the glass. =( He was seriously screaming!!! So hard to see. They took them as quickly as they could and he did good for being so upset! We checked out and headed out. We drove around hoping that he would sleep - he was SO SO tired! He did! Once we got home - the 3+ hours it took - he woke up immediately. He refused to go back to sleep. I let him lay on the couch and watch tv...he refused to walk, I gave him some pain meds. Doctor called and all tests came back fine! Thank goodness! But what is wrong with my baby?! follow up on Tuesday if he isn't better? Oh ok - that's it? I hate that! Like, tell me something to make me feel better....like growing pains possibly, maybe he jarred is when he fell...something! Nothing they tell me. He started getting up and limping around on it later.
We loaded up and tried to go get some "3 year old" pictures of Bridger. I just haven't found a spot that I LOVE. My MIL, SIL and her friends jumped in and we all headed to the beach to try to get some pictures......hello........it is labor day! Why didn't I think of that. Duh! Beach was so packed....we were all like yeah right, this is not going to happen. Dang it. I need to get them so badly - the sun was pretty too! We headed back to Ryans moms, ordered pizza and hung out for the rest of the night. It was a good family night.
sweet |
Katelynn and her friends getting Bridger to say "Peace" but hilarious how he did his mouth too!!! We all got a kick out of this. Bridg is just so fun! |
Finally! We made it to Monday! Bridger woke up feeling good. We ran some errands and he was walking. Pretty good. Weird. But ok. No doctor appts. I cleaned my house! I love a clean house so much. My girlfriend came over and we crafted what we had bought. Bridger went down for a nap but it took him forever. So in my world - I had a nice long quiet time - and craft time. Ryan worked at the shop all day moving stuff out.
Wood plaques painted. Mod podged pics.....To hang on wall |
Our labor day weekend turned out to be great. Hospitals and all. I got to spend it with my family! Bridger is still limping......but not complaining of pain one bit. Not sure what it was, but I think he will be fine.
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