I went and browsed and looked at it. I liked a few pieces here and there, nothing actually popped out at me. Some of it I thought was entirely too large or too crazy. Then it happened. She kept saying, try it on, try it on. I was like fine, I'll try something on. I. Fell. In. Love. I couldn't stop starring in the mirror at this beautiful jewelry. Putting it on looks 100% different than actually looking at it on a table or in a catalog. I started trying tons of it and literally loved it all. My very first Stella purchase was this.
It is amazing. When you actually put it on, it is so beautiful! So far, this is my favorite piece of jewelry. With the purchase of that, I earned some "Stella Dollars" that I was able to use towards the next month. With that, I purchased this.
I haven't actually gotten to wear this one yet. But I love it. I love big chunky jewelry that most, although smaller delicate pieces are just as nice.
So last night I was invited to a showcase sale, is what I think they call it. This lady is the director of sales in our area and has SO much jewelry. She gets rid of it with these sales, especially when the new line is coming out and it even more jewelry. We love those kind of parties. We got half off any of the jewelry that was there. I ended up getting these two things......
I am officially obsessed with Stella jewelry. We got to try on all kind of jewelry last night, as she had tons of the stuff laid out for her party tonight. It literally is all so pretty and looks amazing once you put it on. I have a wish list and it was super long! =)
We are hosting a party for a friend next month and I'm excited about it. One of my friends that I'm hosting with actually just became a stylist. where she actually sells it. We love this jewelry and think it is made with excellent quality.
This is just the beginning of my Stella collection!!! =)
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